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Bella walked to her brothers room, knocking on the door to say someone was here to see her not him.


Elliott rolled his eyes at his sisters words getting up from his chair putting down his copy of a good girls guide to murder.

He headed downstairs walking out the house to see his dad  and Bella with a man in a wheelchair and a boy with long brown hair.

He wasn't really a people person but still he walked over to them trying to get his dads attention Charlie caught on eventually "oh- um billy these are my kids Isabella and Elliott"
putting an arm around both of them pulling them closer .

Elliott then reaches out shaking Billy's hand mumbling a hello while Bella pushes her dad away "Charlie it's just Bella not Isabella" .

While heading back to the house until she turns around asking why there is a truck in the driveway "well Isa-Bella umm it's yours a little homecoming gift".

Elliott not really listening turns to the boy around his age and introduces himself "hey I'm Elliott" the boy shakes his hand with a smile on his face "Jacob or you can just call me jake".

Elliott held a smile on his face about to start a conversation until he heard his sister yell "I am not driving Elijah to school he can walk it's good for him he needs it anyways!!!".

Bella shouted over everyone Elliott looked down covering his mouth "Elliott not Elijah" covering it up with a cough he also ignored the last part she said.

Bella glared at him before looking at the boy next to 'Elliott' she walks over trying to act flirty while he grins at the attention ,he seemed to never had.

Elliott looked around to see his dad and billy had somehow ended up inside before slowly backing away and walking inside.

His dad and billy are watching the end of some sports game rolling his eyes while chuckling seeing them both scream at the tv like children he headed to the kitchen to try and make something for dinner.

He decided to make some pasta ,as he was getting the ingredients Charlie called him to say goodbye he walked over to see jake and Bella still flirting .

They said a long goodbye to each other and jake looks in the direction of Charlie and Elliott before waving and helping his dad get into the car before he drives off.

Elliott broke the silence before looking at Charlie "so who wants pasta" slinging an arm around bella before she shoved him away nearly falling to the floor in the process before catching himself at the last minute.

Ignoring Bella ,he doesn't give them time to respond before going back to the kitchen to finish the pasta.

After he finished the pasta they all sat around the kitchen table in silence occasionally filled with the noise of cutlery scratching the plates.

"so I enrolled you at forks high school it's a good school small and in a local area you will start tomorrow just wanted to give you a warning Bella I will give you the directions and you will drive your brother there".

Bella scoffed and rolled her eyes at this while getting ready to argue before she saw the look on Charlie's face.

"Right I am done I will go get my things ready night" Elliott stood up school wasn't really something he enjoyed.

yes he don't really talk to people but everyone knew him lots of girls wanted to be with him he sometimes caught the attention of some guys before his sister demanded that she wanted them and flirted until she found herself in the janitors closet up against the wall.

When he was in his room he decided to get his bag and clothes ready once he was done with that he decided to read more of a good girls guide to murder.

After a while of reading he decided to go to bed so he went to brush his teeth ,turn the lights off and say goodnight before settling into bed getting comfortable and drifting off into a deep sleep.


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