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It was the end of lesson Elliott had finally finished art, he enjoyed it but when it was in a class he struggled to think of ideas.

Though when he was in his own company he enjoyed it a lot.

He was now walking to meet Rosalie as he was going to eat with her for lunch .

He turned the corner to see her sitting on a bench outside looking down into her bag sensing someone looking at her.

She looks up to make direct eye contact with him she walks over with a smile on her face linking their arms "come on I will introduce you to everyone" she then dragged him to the canteen as they engaged into a deep conversation.

She then led him to a table with a bunch of people on it but he could not see who was sitting on the table because he was looking at Bella.

Who was glaring at him after seeing who he was walking with and where he was headed Rosalie makes a quick stop at the table which makes him turn his head to look at them.

"hey everyone this is Elliott Swan my friend and he is sitting with us as he has no choice" Rosalie teased looking at him nudging him with a big smile on her face .

"hey it's nice to meet you hope you don't mind" he offered them a kind smile "it's fine it's nice to know my wifey has some friends that aren't me" a boy said walking up to Rosalie kissing her cheek "hi i am James Cullen" before dragging her to sit on his knee.

"hey it's nice to meet you hope you don't mind" he offered them a kind smile "it's fine it's nice to know my wifey has some friends that aren't me" a boy said walking up to Rosalie kissing her cheek "hi i am James Cullen" before dragging her to si...

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He then held out his hand to Elliott who shook  his hand he then got dragged to an empty seat next to Rosalie and James as he placed soft kissed on her shoulder.

"hey I am Alice this is Jasper and Edward we seem to be missing one tho" a bubbly pixie haired girl said

as if on queue a boy sat down next to Elliott as he looked over he saw a boy that he knew "hi" Emmet said sitting down next to him "hi emmet".

Elliott said blushing while turning away from him looking at Rosalie who held a smirk on her face looking between the two.

"you two know eachother" Elliott was about to respond before Emmet beat him to it.

"ye we have most classes together don't we el" Emmet said Elliott looked over at him making him realise how close they where as there chairs where nearly stuck together like glue and there shoulders touching.

They hold smiles on their faces as the both look at eachother hesitating to look away Elliott turns to Rosalie who is smirking he starts a conversation with her to ignore the cause of his flustered face that lay on his cheeks.

As Japer makes a very funny joke the group all laugh together from next to him Elliott could feel Emmet close the already small gap between them Emmet slowly started talking "so umm can I see your timetable"

He looked over at Elliott's open bag on the other side of Elliott's chair "ye sure" Elliott went to turn his body to get his bag before Emmet beat him to it by reaching over resting a hand on his chair while his other grabs his bag.

Looks up at Elliott who was already staring at him "Umm can I?" He questions looking at Elliott with a smile on his face Elliott looked at him with a big smile on his face.

"sure" shrugging his shoulders to pretend he didn't care about the arm Emmet rested on his chair he leaned back as he felt Emmet's thumb softly rub against his back as he looks at his timetable.

"It seems we have most classes together you can sit with me nobody else does and I sit in the back" Emmet said putting the timetable back in his bag folding it up .

The bell then rings signalling lunch was over how the time flies "ok come on we have this class together" Emmet said standing up putting Elliott's bag on his shoulder pulling Elliott up and putting his arm around him leading him out and into class.


When they enter the class the people were already sitting down and getting there stuff out
of their bags as they both sit in the back they try to make it seem accidentally but both moving there chairs close to eachother as emmet held a smug look on his face while Elliott looks down with a wide smile covered with a hand on his mouth so emmet can't see .

The entire lesson was amazing for both Elliott and emmet as all they did was talk, make jokes and get looks from people annoyed by their laughing only causing them to laugh more.


It was now the end of the lesson and emmet stopped Elliott while he was about to go to his next class 'can I have your number" while he pulled out his phone showing it to Elliott who pulled out his phone 'sure' after exchanging numbers they slowly said by before turning away Emmet looks down at his phone at his new contact saved as 'El❤️🫀' while he softly smiles looking back at him.


Hey guys sorry this chapter took so long and is short but I couldn't think about much to do for this and I had a bit of a writing block but I am feeling motivated so I am going to try and get some done now

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