I walked through the gate that led to my home and walked to the front steps of the building that I have to call home. Ir was so big that sometimes even I got lost in it. There has only been one person that has been in my room besides my parents. Her name is Hailey and she's one of my parent's  maids, and my friend. She's the only one that cleans up my room and she respects my privacy and doesn't clean under my bed. I told her to because that is my own clothes lie. I know that the clothes I'm wearing right  now are also mine. But they just aren't me. They don't suit me. I like band shirts and black skinny jeans. And my lip piercing. But my parents don't know I own those clothes. They don't even know that I smoke.

I opened the front door and tried to sneak to my room. I thought I did it, and opened my bedroom door. And then I was face to face with the man I call my father. Shit. "Son, we need to have a little chat" he said gesturing for me to sit down. I sat down on my bed and looked up at him. He crossed his arms over his chest and looked at me with a stern expression. "Explain" was all he said. So I started talking. But where do I start ? I can't tell him that I'm being bullied. "Uhm, I uhm" I said my mouth opening and closing again trying to find words to say. My father raised his eyebrows. "So?" He asked.

I sighed. "My teacher got mad because I talked in class" I said looking down. It sounds so stupid. What if he doesn't believe me? "Is that it? So your teacher gave you detention just because you talked? What kind of teacher is that" he said frustrated. He rubbed his eyes hoping to calm himself down. "I'll handle it" he said. I wanted to tell him he doesn't have to but he walked out of my room and closed the door. Well...that went better than expected. I'm just glad he didn't ask any questions, and that he didn't see my slightly swollen eye.

I grabbed my book so I could catch up with school work when my phone buzzed. I looked at it and saw that it was Micheal. I grabbed my phone and opened his text.

Micheal: heyy, Micheal here. Hope your dad didn't go too hard on you. Do you wanna hang out tonight? I can get us into this club that I heard about. Some friends of mine will be there. But they're cool.

I thought about it for a moment. But whatever, sure I'll go out. I'll just tell my dad I'm studying. It's not like he comes into my room at night. He just eats and then goes straight into his office to work. And my mom goes to her bookclub, or whatever. I've never seen her read a book. I've known for a while that she's been cheating on dad. And my dad on her. So it doesn't surprise me if it's just my mom's other guy. I've seen them once when I sneaked out. My mom was making out with this guy in a car. It was disgusting. Luckily my mom doesn't know that I know. But I do have blackmail for when I need it.

Luke: sure, I'd love to meet them. But I'm not old enough yet to go to the club. I'll never get in.

Just a minute later I got a response.

Micheal:  no worries, I know the owner. We'll get in and the bouncer knows me so we can get in without having to wait in line. We can skipp it so don't worry. I've got you.

I smiled and then put away my phone. I better finish my homework before dinner so I won't get behind on schoolwork.

I finally finished and then I heard a knock on the door. It was Hailey. I know since she's the only one who knocks. And the only miad that's allowed in here. "Heyy" she says poking her head through the door. I replied with a smile. She came in and sat next to me on the bed. She looks at me and she has turned serious. "You forgot to hide your clothes this morning, don't worry. I put them away before your mum or dad came in" she said. My eyes widened. She knows. Shit. She's the first one who has ever seen them.

"You've really got to be more careful" she says. "And don't worry, I don't judge. I quite like your style" she says smiling. "Suits you way more than, that" she referred to the clothes I was wearing tight now. "Please don't tell anyone" I asked her. She nodded. "Ofcourse" she said smiling. "So, is there anything else I should know about?" She asked.

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