The Relics: Discovery

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.. Aph..mau!
All I could hear were muffled voices of panic
'Find his relic'
'W- what?'
'Find it'


Aaron, Aphmau, and Zane were now unconscious, they all looked okay but Aphmau and Zane looked slightly pale
Travis: It's been 30 minutes!
Kim: Stay calm Travis
Aaron: *Grunt* Ow...
Melissa: Aaron!
I went to him and checked his temperature by feeling his head
Aaron: W- What the hell happened..?
He sat himself up on the couch and Kawaii-Chan gave him a glass of water
Aaron: Thanks
Melissa: You and the others fainted, but Lucinda is up, she's alright
Aaron: Zane, and Aph are they okay?
Kim: They will be, but they got it pretty hard
He took a sip of water and looked over at the others
Kawaii-Chan: How come Aaron-Kun woke up so early?
Aaron: Wait, what do you mean?
Melissa: Aaron, the rest are unconscious not responding, like at all
Aaron: Unconscious!? But-
Travis: We don't know why Aphmau is still out, it might be Ivans doing or whatever else is going on with her and her magik, as for Zane, it's pretty much the same
Aaron: Ivan..that fucking bastard...
I patted Aarons's shoulder
Melissa: Travis is keeping them under a recovery spell just in case anything happens
Aaron: Okay..thank you, Travis
Travis: Don't mention it
We all looked over to the left of the other couch, Aphmau wasn't up but we could tell she was regaining consciousness

I walked over to where Aphmau was sleeping and knelt to check her .
Aaron: Her pulse seems long has she been out?
Melissa: She passed out a minute before you guys. So like 31 minutes
I held her hand and then felt a little grip
Aaron: Aphmau, can you hear me?

I groaned and squeezed Aaron's hand as tight as I could as an answer
Aaron: She's okay
"Am I?" I let out quietly, finally getting the sentence out
Everything felt less dizzy but I still couldn't open my eyes or talk as loud I wished to
Aaron: Haha
I rubbed my thumb on his hand and exhaled still feeling exhausted
Aph: Damn it...
Aaron: Don't strain yourself, talk when you need too
I opened my eyes to see Aaron and the others, some were sitting and some were standing
Aaron: How do you feel?
Aph: Like shit, how are Lucinda and Zane?
Travis: Their condition isn't as bad as yours, but they definitely a need rest
I sat myself up slowly with Aarons's help and he gave me some water
" *Sigh* What happened to Ivan?"
"He's out like a light, Melissa beat the hell out of him, I'm impressed "
I leaned back on the couch beginning to feel the pain in my abdomen again, I placed my hand on we're it hurt.
"How hard did he kick you?"
"Pretty hard"
"Gosh I hate this dude!"
I looked at Aaron and could tell what he was contemplating something
"Don't even think about it," I warned him, he looked
Just then Zane started to wake up as well
Kawaii-Chan ran to him and hugged him, he hugged her back, she gave him a glass of water as well
"How do you feel?" KC asked him
"Just...weary, I'll be okay though"

10:00 PM)
Aaron and I were upstairs in the bed, we were both still tired and had taken a nap earlier, I was wrapped beneath the red covers.
He chuckled "Yes?"
"What's funny?" I ask, stopping my question,
"Nothing is, your voice is just cute"
"Haha, very silly"
"I'm serious, what was the question though?"
"While I was out...someone was talking to me"
"What did they say?" Aaron asks intrigued
"They want me to find a relic of a man..?"
"What man?"
"That's the thing, I don't know"
"Okay, we'll talk about it later"

Melissa POV)
I was in bed and Lucinda was coming out of the bathroom with her black silk pajamas on
"You okay?"
"Way better after that shower, still tired though" She yawned
She got in bed with me and we snuggled up together
"Your hand is on my butt..."
"So?" She mocked " You really want me huh?"
"Maybe I do-"
Lucinda kisses me and I kiss her back, wrapping my arms around her.

Kawaii-Chan POV)
Zane and I were both in bed. I was running my fingers through his hair.
"You comfy?"
"Mhm, thanks for the cupcake earlier"
"Your welcome!"
"Umm..d- did the test work?"
"*Sigh* No"
"Nana, I'm sorry"
"You have nothing to apologize for, it happens"
He pulled me closer to him and kissed my nose, I brushed his hair out of his face which showed is blind eye.
"I love you, just know that"
"I love you too"

Katelyn pov)
Travis was on his phone and I was putting on one of his grey shirts
"You're Amazing, you know that?"
"Coming from the beautiful girl herself"
"I'm serious! What you did for Zane, Aph, and Lucinda is just incredible"
"Wow..thanks babe"
"No thanks needed"
I sat on his lap and kissed him
"Mm~ you are such a good kisser"

10:00 AM)
I woke up in the bed and turned over to Aaron's side but he wasn't there
I immediately thought of what happened yesterday and forced myself out of bed, threw on a t-shirt and sped downstairs, revealing  my ears and tail
"Aaro- mph!"
Cold hands went over my mouth, I fought to get them off of me
My muffled voice just made it more exhausting, I elbowed the person
"Let go of me!"
I kicked them in the face and got up
"Aaron!?" I went to the boiler room and opened the door
"Fuck!" I stared in horror
I ran to his unconscious body and felt his hand, I was in shock, his body was cold as ice
"Babe can you hear me?!"
"He can" A way to familiar voice says
I turned my head to see Ivan, of course it was him
"What the fuck did you do to him!?"
"Just a little spell"
I blasted Ivan in the chest and he stumbled to the ground
"Argh! You Bitch!"
He attacked me but I dodged it and hit him back
He turned around to see Lucinda
"Do you ever learn!?"
"Oh, Chillout, you've always been s-"
She shot a fireball at Ivan causing him to hit the ground, I tied him up with my magik
"You two magical bitches don't even know what's coming for you "
Lucinda shuts him up by using a spell

"Aphmau, I know what you're thinking"
"I have to Lucinda, he almost hurt you guys and literally threatened my daughter!"
"*Sigh*'s your power"
I breathed in and did a removal spell
"Will this be temporary?"
"Probably "

"You are going to regret this, just wait until she comes!"
"She doesn't care about you, that woman is evil! She only cares for herself!"
I finished the spell and focused back on Aaron
"Do you know what happened to him?"
"Ivan happened"
I picked Aaron up and carried him to the couch, I then heard footsteps on the stairs
"What the hell happened!"
Aph: We don't know, I just found him passed out
I checked Aaron's pulse, it was vital and he was getting warmer
Aph: Aaron! Can you hear me!?
He opened his eyes and bolted up
Aaron: ALINA!
Aph: Aaron, breathe
He started to hyperventilate, I put my hand on his cheek to calm him
Aaron: W- we have to leave!
Aph: What's going on?! What about Alina do you mean?!
Aaron: Elizabeth was going to send something to your mother's house
Aph: Right now!?
Aaron: I don't think so, Ivan said that she was busy with something else, I- I can't remember what it was though
I made sure he laid back down and I got up
Aaron: You used your magik, didn't you
"I- I did, I'm fine though"
" I had too!"
"You're not in the healthiest state, you know this!"
"It was the only way!"


He got up and ran to the boiler, the others came downstairs
Aph: Aaron, are you crazy!!

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