Re- Connecting?♥️pt.2

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                        (APHMAU POV)
Fluff☁️ alert)
11:30 AM
"Ughhh, my head," I sit up and rub my eyes, I yawned and stretched then smiled to myself
"That happened...that really happened!"
I squealed and plopped back on the mattress I exhaled thinking about yesterday. I made the bed and used the bathroom, next I went outside to take the pups out, I was still in my pajamas but at least my hair looked decent
"Alexander stop biting the mailbox!"
"Hey Aphmau!"
I looked behind me
"Hey Travis!"
"You look happy today, I suppose your night with Aaron went well," He said
"Heh, I- it did"
"Ooooo, so did you guys-"
"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"
"I- I'm sorry" I felt tears coming down my cheeks and my throat began to burn
I puffed out and wiped my eyes
"I am SO sorry, just my crapy mood swings I don't know why- it's just *sigh*, I'm going to h- home"
I turned around and rushed home

"Wait! Aphmau...damn it"
I plugged my earphones in and began to run another lap around the neighborhood

10 mins later)

"Katelyn! I'm back!" I yelled
"I hear you" She declared as she entered the living room
"The weirdest thing happened earlier," I told
"What was it?"
"So I was talking to Aphmau earlier and it was a nice conversation, but all of of sudden she started to cry-"
"What!? Hang on I'll be back!"
"What- Katie!"
"I see you soon!"
"God dang it! Not even a kiss!?"

Why did you go off like that Aphmau!? What is wrong with you!?
"Damn it!"
I went back upstairs to catch my breath
*Knock Knock*
"Oh my!- Ugh!"
I rushed back downstairs and open the door
"Hey! Are you okay!?"
"What are y- *sigh*...Travis."
"Uh yeah! Travis told me what happened."
"I just freaked out and rushed off, my cycle is just coming off and stuff and I've been feeling like crap."

That was little white lie, I had just ended my period but I was dealing with some other stuff...

"Well, do you want me to stay for a while?" Katelyn says
"I- I think I'm good"
"You sure?"
"Yep, Aaron is coming over so I need to clean up anyway, heh."
" Okay..."
Katelyn leaves and I lock to door behind her.
"Sigh*, let's do this"

20 minutes later)
I finish cleaning up downstairs and then make my way upstairs to put some fresh clothes, I throw on a black tee, blue jean shorts with some white socks, I brush my hair as wells and went downstairs
I check my phone to see a text from Melissa
Aaron is in his car, he's just double checking what he has with him😆 He is nervous as hell!
I giggled and responded with an okay, then I got up from the bed and went downstairs.

15 minutes later)
" Zane I don't think she needs it, just give her some space and let her breathe, no hard feelings, okay?"
Knock* Knock*
"Uh- I'll call you later, I have company...Zane! Don't be dirty! Okay, bye.
I end the call and walk to the door, I open it to see Aaron.
"Hey." I say
"Hi" He says back
I let Aaron in and he gave me a hug
"Do you want a water or something?" I asked
"I'll get a water please"
"Okay!" Aaron followed me into the kitchen, I grab bottles of water from fridge and take out a bottle for Aaron and I, he takes it and we go to the couch and sit next to each other .
"How was your day so far?"
"Um.. it could be better, it's been quite rough" Aaron scoots closer to me and starts running his fingers  through my hair,
"What happened here?" He says while grazing my wrist
"It's from a fight, back at... Starlight," I respond
I look at Aaron's face and notice his dismay,
"Aaron. It's okay, that was six months ago."
I lay my head and on his shoulder and my legs went on his lap, then he starts to massage my thigh.
"How was your day?" I ask, changing the subject
"it was pretty chill...I've kinda been waiting all day to come here"
"Melissa told me, she said you were double-checking yourself!" I maneuver myself , "She did..huh"
"It was kinda cute if you ask me," I tell him giggling.

"You seem tired? Are you?"
"I am, *sigh* and I woke up so late too I have should more energy."
"Well, werewolves get tired too. Do you want to take a nap?"
"Yes, please."
Aaron rests on his back and I crawl on top of him, I place my hand on his cheek, lightly brushing his smooth skin, and then, I move my face closer to Aaron's, his charcoal eyes made me smile, and he smirks back while his right hand repeatedly rub my back and he pulls me up closer to his chest.
"You smell good" Aaron says as he kisses my forehead
He continued to stroke my back until I drifted off to sleep.


" *Gasp!* Wha- What happened!?" I let out while trying to catch my breath
"Breathe, breathe"
I calmed down my breathing with Aarons's help, he tucked my hair behind my ear and cupped my cheek
"I'm sorry-"
"Shh~ Shhh~ you have nothing to be sorry for, okay?"
I nodded and got up from the couch trying to calm myself
"How long was I asleep?"
"Six hours."
"...I think I'm going to go upstairs and take a shower, you can start heading back to your place," I wiped away tears, "No."
"Aaron, I've already caused enough shit, you don't need th-"
Aaron grabbed my hand and I still tried to walk off but he pulled me back into a hug
"I'm staying okay, I'm staying."
I looked up at him and he gave me a smile
I let go of the hug and we both went upstairs. Now in our room, I went into the closet and grabbed a T-shirt and underwear.

"Is it okay if I join?" Aaron asked
I hesitate but agree anyway
I go into the bathroom and start the shower, Aaron entered and wrapped his arms around me
"I love you so much" He says
"I love you too," I say back
I start to undress and Aaron does as well, I look at the scars on his body while he takes off his clothing, it still made me feel horrible, even though it was over the memories ere still there.
We get into the shower and start washing up, I let out my ears and tail and so did Aaron my
"Do you feel better?"
"Are your ears still sensitive? I can help you wash them if you'd like."
"That would be very helpful."

Aaron POV)
I began to scrub Aphmau's ears, she winced a little but I was quick so she rinsed them off in time. After we were done with the shower I dried Aphmau's hair and ears and she dried mine, I wrapped the towel around my waist and she wrapped hers around her body as well
"I needed this so much" Aphmau says sighing
" Good." I respond
Aphmau opens the door and I follow her to the bed, she unwraps her towel and I turn away and throw my boxers on
"I can go in the bathroom and get dressed."
"No! it's okay, I'm just-"
I turn back around to see her fully dressed, just with wet hair, panties, and a large grey tee, which is probably mine. Aphmau throws a white shirt and shorts at me which I caught, I put on the shorts but leave the shirt on the dresser. I pick Aphmau up and repeatedly kiss her which left her blushing and kissing me back.

*Knock Knock*

We look at each other and I put her down, she runs out the door but I stop her.
"Aphmau! Shorts?" I remind her, "Give me yours!"
I take off my shorts and toss them at her, but she fails to catch them which makes me laugh
"Shut up!" She says, then she rushes downstairs

Aph POV)
I rush downstairs and open the door to see Dante
" Hi, Dante *pant* need anything?"
"Is this a bad time? I see Aarons's car outside-"
"You're good, come in."
I let Dante in and he just leans on the door
"Aphmau, I know you and the others went somewhere six months ago, I just want to know what happened."
"Dante, I can't tell you, I'm sorry. I'm just not ready to yet, but I did tell Laurence...some things"
"Y- you did? Why didn't he tell me? Why didn't Travis?"
"Because we can't talk about all of it Dante, But what I will tell you is that we went through a lot."
"So that explains the scars?"
"Yeah, they do."
"Alright, I'll talk to Laurence about it tomorrow, thanks for your time. I'll let you rest up and get back to Aaron."
"I'm am pretty tired- wait! How-."
"Your shortness of breath gave it away, and those shor-"
"Okay! I can wear basketball shorts if I want too!"
Dante opens the door and I close and lock it.
I make my way back upstairs and immediately plop in bed

"It's only 4:39, how long are you planning on sleeping?" Aaron says
"Probably until 9:00."
"Why nine?!"
"I don't know"
"Whatever is good for you."
Aaron gets in bed with me and I turn off the lamp on my side of the nightstand
"Good night." Aaron chuckles
"Night." I say back

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