"I see you reaching out to me.."

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                              APHMAU POV

"What the hell! Did Aaron do-"
"No! Fuck no! He would never!" I quickly pull my hair back down, "I- I won't get too far into it..you don't even remember this guy-" Katelyn turns my body around to face her, "Aphmau, I have known you for over a decade if you don't tell me what's going on I'll ask Aaron." I sigh in annoyance, "He won't tell you anything unless he has my permission!" I wipe another tear from my face, what was happening by the way? Katelyn found out about the bruises that Xavier gave me, only after when Aaron and I had to lock up our whole entire house when I got the text messages from the "anonymous" person.
"I'm going to ask him," Katelyn says determinedly, "No! I'm all flushed and my eyes look like they've been in a pool! Ughhh!" I sob in my hands some more, Katelyn brings me in her arms.

*Knock Knock*
"Ay!" I jump from the sudden knocking "Shit, I sound like my mom!"
"What do you want! We're doing girl things!" Katelyn yells at the door.
"I heard ruckus I just wanted to make sure you guys were okay, especially you Aph! You just ran back in here and rushed upstairs with the test- oh Irene! Are you!?"
"Zane!" Katelyn hissed, "Let him in.." I tell Katelyn in a low tone, she opens the door and Zane walks in, his face filled with concern once he looked at me.
"Are you okay!?" He asked, walking closer to me
"No! No I'm not! I— I ate a cookie and drank a beer!"
"What?" Zane snickered a bit,"What does she mean?" Zane looked to Katelyn.
"Zane what if I'm...pregnant? What if Katelyn is!"
"Ha, no way! Katelyn and Travis- actually I'll take back what I was about to say b- but absolutely not! And you young missy better not be having babies!" Zane then looked at me, "Wow! Thanks, dad!" I took the test from the counter and showed it to him.


"Katelyn! I can't- I can't have another baby!"
I start to cry again, Zane had left the bathroom and Katelyn was comforting me. "We don't know if it's yours really, we did mix the things together" Said Katelyn, referring to the test we took, "Your right..." I sobbed and hugged her tightly. "I'm just scared..." anxiety crept into my mind as I though about what happened last time I was expecting. "Fuck- fuck, Katelyn I swear if I'm pregnant I'm gonna do something stupid!" Katelyn jerked my body up and her eyes went wide, "No! No you will not! Irene I will smack you!" She said, it just set in what I just said.."Aphmau you have choices, if you are...ya know, pregnant  you don't have to carry it out."
I wiped my eyes and looked at her more seriously, "I- my mom would kill me!" I grabbed her shoulders and shake her. "To hell with what your mother thinks Aph! You're 29! You can make your own decisions! Now let's wipe those tears and go downstairs!"

I sigh and ready myself to back downstairs, "Okay."

We walked downstairs, everyone else was sitting is different places this time Aaron was sitting on the floor with a pillow in his hands, he was fidgeting with his fingers. "Hey!" I whispered to Aaron, he
sets his eyes on me and his face did this small smile thing  that it always did when greeting people.
"You alright?" He asked as I sat down next to him
"T- Totally!" Jeez that felt fake, Aaron obviously wasn't buying that.
"Uh- what are you guys talking about?"
"Who's had the worst injuries." Zane said, "Oh..." I looked at Aaron a bit stunned.

"Did you know Travis was stabbed?!" Yelled Dante, "Y- yeah..." my head turned towards Travis, I had been the one to stab him, now that I think about everything from starlight has pretty much been embedded in my head but still fuzzy.
"It's not as bad as other injuries," Said Travis
"True" Said Zane
"Damn, how much have you guys been through..? We're all of you stabbed?"
Most of us nod our heads.
"I got shot by a green laser then died" I said out loud, everyone looked shocked even the ones who knew.

"WHAT!??" Yelled Dante, "Oh my Irene! I am so- I did not mean to say that!" I especially looked at Aaron, he grabbed my hand and smiled I even heard a little chuckle come from him
"Don't you dare!" I warned him as I felt my lips curl too, it felt wrong to laugh at such a grim thing but I couldn't help it.
"HAHAHA!" I immediately covered my laughs with my mouth and put my head to the floor, embarrassed. "HA- oww- HAHA"
"Dante you killed her!" Said Laurence, I busted out laughing even more "That's..*gasp* a HAHA p- pun!" I began tearing up "I'm so- HA- s-sorry! This isn't f-funny...haha!!!"

Back at home)
"My stomach hurts!!" I complained as I get under the covers
"I mean you were laughing about your own death," Said Aaron, I rolled my eyes and scooted closer to him. "I'm sorry"
"Don't be, you literally came back from the dead it's a weird feeling to go through something like that..."
He said, I cringed at the memory of what he meant
"It is weird," My hand subconsciously trailed to the scar on my chest
"I don't know why I'm asking you this but...how did it feel when I was g- gone?" I sat up and rested my back on the headboard, Aaron took my hand
"It-.... I thought I lost my sister, my mother was gone and after you d- after what happened to you...I lost my father.."
Aaron voice started to quiver slightly but he took a deep breath in and kept going,

"I felt empty...I lost full control that day, Aphmau, y- your blood, your last words, the image of him killing you in cold blood," His voice filled with disgust. "You're here now though, and I know that not all our friends are with us and I will resent myself for that happening"
I let out a shaky breath and hug him.
"I love you.." I tell him.
"I love you too."

"There's more." I blurt out, "More?" Said Aaron, I let go of him, "I think I might be...pregnant." I was so nervous I was picking my skin. "Oh, Aph.."
"I know! I- I know we're together and I've been on the pill since pftt! Forever...I'm probably not but I just wanted to tell you"
"I see...we'll you can take a test as soon as you can" He told me in a gentle tone, "is that an order?" I look at him.
"More of a suggestion..." He tells me as his eyes glance to my scar, he sighed. "Does this ever hurt?"
"My scar?"
He nods, "Yeah.."
"Oh..uh it's been a long time but yeah...weirdly it does, probably because majik fixed it, it's technically just a bandage-" I looked at Aaron's face, and stopped talking. "I'm not going to talk about it anymore if it upsets you, Aaron."
"It's okay.."
"Aaron..?" I look at him with warnings, "It's going to heal all the way though, right? I mean it's been a year.." He interrupted. I hesitated "I- I don't really know, but it's obviously keeping me alive..?" I look at him, he nods. "Hey, don't sweat it." I said, "I'm here, the scare is healed-"
"But is it?" He cut me off, worry in his eyes. I was silent, unsure, would it heal?


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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