Sleep over!

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Another day in the job, you was actually excited this time. Walking into the door once again. But this time no kids was greeting you, no sound at all. The only voice you heard was sundrops. "Hmm.." you place your bags down and walked up to where he was. You realized he was reading a story to the kids, they sat quietly. Looking at sun reading and acting out the movements in the story's. You chuckled at the sight and sat down with the kids, looking at sun also. He spotted you and stuttered on the word he was pronouncing- getting a bit distracted. "And the-..the the.." he shook his head and smiled, trying to go back to the story. You got up after awhile and headed to your desk. Sorta waiting for sun to come over once he's done. You fiddled with a pen as you had leaned back in your chair. After a bit, you started closing your eyes feeling a bit drowsy. You folded your arms, dropping your pen and falling asleep in the chair. As time go past you started hearing humming close by, that was the same tune of the daycare music. Peaking an eye open. You seen Sundrop, back facing you and swinging his legs back and forth while bouncing his head side to side. Was he waiting for you to wake up? You wasn't so sure. You sat up, placing your feet down from the desk, sun would look behind and smiled. "Well good morning- we'll. Evening y/n!" Sun would say happily. "Heya sun, nice little story you read." He'd shrug and look to the side, "well the little ones originally wanted moon to read but he's not fairly a reading kinda person surprisingly.." as he said that he would place his hand by his mouth, sorta like telling a secret. "Ohhh I see. Well what time is it?" Sundrop would drop his eye lids half way and smiled mischievously. "Weellllll you sorta slept through the whole daycare time-" you eyes open and slammed your hands on the desk. "WHAT! Am I gunna be in trouble!? How did that ha- why didn't you wake me up!?" Sun would laugh and cuff his hands together, "well we didn't wanna wake you! Moon and I..And no worry's your not gunna be in trouble!" You sigh in relief and hopped on the desk next to Sundrop after. "Hey uh..sun?" Sun would look down at you and smile as he always would. "Are we uh- friends?" You felt stupid for asking such a question, buuuut you wanted to make sure. "Friends? Well of course y/n! everyone here is my friend!" Feeling foolish you sigh-"no I mean like- are we FRIENDS? Not have to be friends with me but you actually wanna be friends with me..?" You wasn't sure if you was saying it right but Sundrop chuckled and tilted his head. Grinning.
"Y/n of course we're actually friends. Even though we only hung for about a day and a half I feel as I'm already attached to you...I'm going to love seeing you everyday here.." you stared at sun for a bit before your eyes started to water up. "Oh! Oh dear oh dear! Did I say something bad!? Please don't-!" You hugged sun tight and place your head on him. "Th-thanks.." you stated in a stutter. "Your welcome sunshine..." you smiled at the name, sunshine..clever. After awhile it became the late afternoon and the kids had went back home to their own guardians. You also started to grab your stuff so you can get home too. "Alright sun I'm leaving for the day. I'll see y'all tomorrow." You began to walk out but sun quickly went in front of the door, wanting you to not leave. "W-wait! I mean we can color first! Or watch a movie! Or listen to music?! Or talk! Yea yea talk!" You shook your head and smiled. "Sun I need to go, I don't wanna be stuck in traffic-" sun would crouch down to you and place his hands together. "Pleeeaaasssee..?" You felt a bit bad but you knew you really needed to get home, the animatronics In the place was different at night. "Sun I'm sorry- but I really need to leave.." sun would frantically stand up and wave his hands. "But but but! Please don't go! W-we still wanna hang!" You looked at sun then looked down thinking for a moment. "H-how about a sleep over just for once!! Pleasey please with a cherry on top!?" Sun would smile nervously and cup your hands with his. You couldn't say no to that- you reluctantly nodded while sighing. "Alright alright, just for tonight" sun would burst into excitement and front flip behind you, "WOOO HOOO!" You laughed seeing it and open your back pack grabbing your charger and your earbuds for the night. "I can't really sleep on the mats- it's small.." sun would look at you and place his hand on his head. "Well gee- I never thought of that. Hmmm...oh! How about a couch! We do have a couch in our room!" You narrow your eye brows and tilt your head. "Y'all got a room? Where's that?" Sundrop would then point to the balcony, the same place he would jump down to into the ball pit. "Oooh- well then sure but where's the stairs?" Sundrop would laugh and spin to you. "Oh we don't use stairs!" He'd then pick you up and started leaping on the play structures, then leaping on the balcony rails. "SUNDROP!" You shouted, feeling worried that y'all could have fell. Sundrop would nervously place you down in the balcony and place his hand on his chest. "My apologies! I didn't know you was scared of heights-" you groan looked away. "It's not that... you don't just grab someone like that-" you bit your tongue trying to not say anything too bad. "Oh- well my apologies again. I'll ask next time! Pinky promise!" You'd mhm sun and started walking into the room. It looked pretty messy surprisingly, kids drawing stuck to the wall, glitter glue and pencils on the floor. And then a a charger container in the corner. "Your room is uh..something-" sun would sigh and smile "well- it's hard to clean up your own room when you take care of kids! Plus moony doesn't clean it at night-" oh that's right, moon. You sorta completely forgotten about him. "How's moon right now?" You turned at sun. "Oh he's alright! He's glad your staying!" You snickered and shook your head. "Y'all are both just goobers.." right after you said that. You heard a voice in the intercom "Freddy fazbear mega pizza plex is now closed, initiating nighttime protocol" sun would nod, as if he was agreeing with the voice. "Well the front doors is closing now, SoOoOoOoO...THE SLEEP OVER HAS NOW STARTED!" You nodded and sat on the couch, which was..clean? It seemed like it was the only thing clean here. Maybe he prepared it? "You got any movies?" You said that because he had a tv in there, in the corner of the room on a desk. "Oh yea yes yes!" He sprung to a dresser in his room and opened a cabinet. He took out multiple CD's. "What would you like?! The little mermaid..? Captain Hook!? Ooo or even SpongeBob the moooovvviieee!?" You chuckled and shook your head. "Maybe something...hmm...horror?" You nodded. "Yea yea maybe something horror. Do you have any horror movies?" Sun would start to get anxious a bit taking out a movie called 'The conjuring'. "Y-y-yea..I do have a horror one..Monty passed it to me c-couple months ago ha ha..."you place yours fist in a ball and excitingly shook them. "Ooo yea! I never watched that one before! Let's put it on!!" Sun signed and placed a finger up, "well the lights will be turned off for this- so moon will watch it with you..Also I don't like scary movies.." you laughed and got up leaning on sun while looking up at him. "Scardy cat..?" Sun gasp like it was some insult, but in a joking way. "Well I am not! I will have you know that I watched another movie like this once before! And only 5 weeks it took me enough time to get over it!."He'd chuckle after placing the CD in the tv cable box. He'd then wave bye to you before turning the lights off and spinning around, turning into moon. "Well helllooooo moon." You greeted happily. "Good evening starlight..." he smiled, walking up to you, sitting on the couch also. But- starlight? They really know how to come up with names huh. You watched as the intro played. You faintly heard sun wailing inside in moon and you looked up at him, eye brow raised. Moon narrowing his eyes, feeling a bit annoyed he exhale and look at you with a smile "Sun is just really- nervous about this.." you smirk and moved closer to moon, wrapping your arms around him. "Well don't worry sun, I'll protect y'all.." moon froze, his face sparkled a dark flushed look and you heard once again, just like yesterday. What sounds like a cooler mechanism. He placed a arm around your shoulder smiling. As the movie played on. You couldn't help but look around their room, but you laid your eyes on a little journal. You didn't wanna be rude and ask. Moon eyes glance down at you, seeing that your not really paying attention to the movie that much. "You alright there y/n..?" You turned quickly, trying to not look nosey. "O-OH! Yea I'm good." You leaned back and yawn. Moondrop immediately look at you, like it was an instinct. He'd then got up and went to a closet of some sort. Grabbing out a huge space themed blanket.
"Here you go.." he laid the blanket on you. "Hm..I'll have to recharge soon." You sigh and looked back at him. "So we can't sleep together?" Moon tensed up at this moment. "W-WELL- I mean..I- I guess it's just- i don't..." you laughed at his stuttering and waved your hand over to the couch. He stood before you, looking down at you. You then raised your arms like you was one of the kids, wanting to be picked up. He shook his head and grinned, picking you up by your hips and laying down on the couch with you. You laid on his chest, head turned to the tv while the blanket was on both of y'all. "I'll go on low power mode for the night.." you nodded. You heard buzzing before you noticed that Moondrop eyes was black, dark as the void. "Uhm..moon..?" You whispered, wondering if he died or something. You then felt his hand wrap around you, showing that he is still conscious. You chuckled and close your eyes. Ending the night in bliss and comfort.

Sundrop and Moondrop x y/n seriesWhere stories live. Discover now