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1. You're Not Afraid to Speak Up 💬
It's easy to know when your partner does something you don't like — maybe they don't call you for two days or don't help out around the house when you live together. In a healthy relationship, you'll feel secure enough to be open with your partner and talk about what you don't like or what hurts you. Nobodies perfect, but if they're the right persone they will listen to you and make everything in they're power to improve.

2. Trust Is at the Core of the Relationship 🫂
Trust is foundational in all relationships, but with social media and cellphones, it can become all too easy to snoop. But in a healthy relationship, you don't need to do that. In part, that's because your partner shows you they're trustworthy. They also show you they trust you by giving you the freedom and space you need without checking up on you constantly — and that includes checking your phone.

3. You Know Each Other's Love Language 💞
The way they prefer to give and receive love (through words of affirmation, quality time, gifts, acts of service, or physical touch) is really important. In a healthy relationship, you've taken the time to learn each other's "love language" so you can express your love in a way that works for you both.

4. You Encourage Each Other to Go After Your Goals 🏆
It's okay if your dreams don't align with one another as long as you honor and encourage each other to achieve your goals. If they don't do that, or if they always discourage you, make yourself a favour and walk away from them.

5. You and Your Partner Hold Separate Interests 🪂
Couples who have the greatest love affairs are the ones who were able to maintain their interests, but don't put guilt on their partner for not sharing it with them.
Meaning, both of you encourage the other to explore what they love on their own. It's easy to adopt your partner's habits and interests, but over time becoming over-reliant on each other can breed resentment. Developing and investing in yourself builds self-confidence, self-love, and joy.

6. You're Comfortable in Your Own Skin 💗
When you're in a relationship, it's crucial to know your strengths and weaknesses. Maybe you're confident around your friends but self-conscious at work. Or you know that little things, like your partner forgetting to take out the trash, can set you off. Whatever your strengths and weaknesses are, being aware of them can help you reach a point of loving and accepting yourself, which in turn can help you love and accept your partner.

7. Boundaries Are Honored and Respected 🧠
A healthy relationship means you're both on the same team. "In a healthy relationship, both parties discuss and agree upon important subjects that are meaningful to one another.
If you can talk it out with your partner and they acknowledge and understand your boundaries, that's a good sign.
However, if your partner repeatedly ignores what you value, including your boundaries, that's concerning.

8. You Feel Happy and Supported ☀️
Once the initial elation of a new relationship wears off, check in with yourself: Do you feel happy and supported by your partner? How are your mood and self-esteem? If you feel any strain or lack of support, talk to your significant other — it's the healthy thing to do.
And if you feel unhappy, don't be afraid to go away and start over: remember that a partner can be temporary, but you are forever and you must choose to be on your own side.

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