~N O T E~

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Ciao ! My lovely readers.
How are you all?

What do you prefer (Burger or Pizza)

Who is your favourite ( Klaus or Damon)

Before we begin with the story i would like to tell you some things-

-This book is purely fictional and all the names, locations, character etc are as per author's imagination.

-This book will contain SMUT, VIOLENCE, ABUSIVE LANGUAGE, GANG RELATED STUFF, ABUSE and many hotheads.

-This story should not be posted in any form or should even be translated into any language.

-There are going to be many view points and there are going to be many twists and turn.

-Here is the only warning I am giving that this book is 18+ and have many sexual scenes.

-All the pictures/ GIFS have been posted in this book belongs to its rightful owner and doesn't belong to me.
Mostly they are from Pintrest.

~There are going to be some dialogues which are not in English, the other language is translated from google .

-So for the characters/ aesthetic parts , i am gonna mostly post it on top of the chapter ,but you can imagine by your own if you want to.

- So mostly the main characters are DARK and have DANGEROUS aura . If you are not comfortable with dominating males please don't read this story. The female characters are hotheads with fierce attitude so don't expect shy characters

-I guess now its all been done with Warnings and sh*t lets get into the story~

Please do check out my other books
-My lost family
-Betraying the prince
-Loving The Prince

Hope you all enjoy the story and please do vote and comment .
And follow me on Wattpad and Instagram (writerhoneybee)

Peace out!

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