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The Long grand hall was filled with utter chaos and students were divided in three tables

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The Long grand hall was filled with utter chaos and students were divided in three tables.
The freshies like me were standing by the door waiting for their turn for the name announcement.
Headmaster Maria patted my shoulder and went away to the stage.

The whispering, talking and laughing got quiet down as soon as Headmaster started speaking, The hall was so huge that it looked like it could almost fit five hundred people.
"Well Hello the class of 2023-24. I am your headmaster Maria , Now as i said before , I want the top priority of yours to be best in everything. The opportunity you have been given is very rare and will eventually have a great importance in your life, do not let other things consume you and focus on academy .
Without further ado lets go and sort you all into houses. I will call the names and you are supposed to come and take the house coat along with your dorm number and proceed to sit with your house members.
There are three houses.
House Florest , House Xin and lastly House Artemis"

The clapping begin with children hooting their house name and all cheering on.
"Dalia Thompson" Headmaster called and a french girl walked on the stage and was handed a light blue jacket.
"House Florest" The house florest started clapping and I turned to look at the house florest.
Mostly the house florest had soft and kind hearted people with brain as fast as bullet train.
They were innocent souls or the not so mean girls with fierce attitude or boys with cunning looks.

"Gia Trix" A short boy cut hair wallked towards the stage and was handed a red jacket.
"House Xin" The house started hooting and the girl collected the dorm number and went to sit away with her members.
House Xin was full of loyalty , Wicked minds and more of bitchy people, the charming looks and amazing study look out was what made house xin the very Popular house .
They would stay together and would never miss a chance to mess with other house members.

After good twenty names around my name was announced.
"Lastly we have Princess Nerezza Barnard" The hall got quiet and started having whispering.
This is exactly what i hate.
People judging me by my status, by my title or me belonging from a royal family.

Walking towards the stage , The headmaster smiled at me and passed me a dark brown jacket.
So cool.
"House Artemis" The students started clapping and shouting and i gave a small smile to headmaster and collected the dorm document.

House Artemis was the previous year winning house, with people full of extravagance , enthusiasm and courage peeking out from the members more.
Sports and Extracurriculars are the most important to house Artemis, There is not even a single doubt of study in this house cause people over here are like perfect definition of 'Balance'.
With the most gorgeous looking of specimens in this house , the house was also known as 'charmer' one.

I fiddled with my purse and started walking towards the left side of table which was filled with people wearing brown jacket.
There were hundred students in each house including both junior and seniors.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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