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 There is always something special about our first love, no matter how much you have tried to ignore that fact

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There is always something special about our first love, no matter how much you have tried to ignore that fact.. that first love is always stuck on our mind.

If my heart and mind could possibly remember one thing from the entire eighteen years of my life, it would probably be the deep green eyes of him which haunt my dreams.
Everything about him is just like touch of blossom , delicate and soft.
There is nothing about to ignore the fact that you are not allowing yourself to think of that one particular person,
He or she is maybe your friend? Special friend? Boyfriend? Girlfriend? Or even your fckn best friend.

From that thought, happy friendship day! Haha nice one subconscious. I don't have friends.In this whole freaking planet if there was anything I could possibly suck the most was making friends ,playing football /soccer , Studies and everything else.
The pinpointing of myself into not being capable of doing anything would haunt me the most.

Those sudden wave of loneliness strikes me like waves crashing the shore with loud noise, pouring out their agony, pain, wrath in that single second crash. Or maybe that large sound of volcano eruption.
Alas, there is nothing much to describe my life more than as roller coster.

The one last look at my huge mahogany room and that queen size bed with amazing fairy lights hanging around made realise how much I am going to miss this heaven place of mine.
Everything about this particular room is special.
The memories ,the moments I spent out with my parents were the best.

Really didn't knew i was crying until few tear drops fell down to my hand.
Taking a deep breathe, I placed all my suitcases, bag packs out at the door and with slow steady pace , I crouched down to my family picture and held the little wooden frame .
A genuine smile was there on my face.
I was pushed between my mother and father, three of us were eating ice cream and my cheeks were being kissed by my parents.

I held the portrait close to my heart and closed my eyes, feeling all the emotions.
Calming myself down, And walking towards sunshield , I closed off the drapes and took the glance at my room and closed the door.
Walking out with frame in my hand , I spotted Mr Martin at not much of a distance.

"Mr Martin can you please let a guard take down my luggage to parking lot"

"Sure Miss Barnard , would you like me to call his majesty and crowned prince?"
I shook my head and started searching for any chocolate in my purse.
Ahh, found it.
"Here Mr Martin have a nice day. Thank you for being there with me" Politely smiling at the old man , my butler , he smiled and waved off and started to speak on his phone.
Probably calling someone for the luggage.

I leaned over the exotic large windows , and took the last sight of the beautiful castle.
"Nerezza" Turning around i was met with Uncle, Aunty and my brother.
Ricky rushed towards me and engulfed me in a huge hug.
I patted his back and turned to look at my  family.

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