Chapter 1: A Letter Too Late

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The prince of the Mushroom Kingdom wasn't particularly fond of the prince of Sarasaland. That didn't mean he wanted him to suffer through the same experience that he had. That being the case, he sent sir Laurens to deliver a written warning to him, they had a treaty after all and he didn't need his best ally to be kidnapped and married to his new enemy.

Whilst the princes didn't like each other, John Laurens was favored by the prince of Sarasaland. Aaron knew to send him if he ever wanted to be listened to by this particular ruler.

That was why the knight had been at the gates of the foreign palace. A single knock at the door and it was as if prince Lafayette was waiting for him for he immediately opened the grand doors. The prince was often found doing things unconventional to that of a common ruler so sir Laurens wasn't at all surprised to see him answer the door instead of a servant.

"John, it's so good to see you! Comment avez-vous été?" The prince quickly allowed the knight inside.

Lafayette was proud to don a dress, although his could be considered more of a feminine tunic. His outfit consisted of a shorter skirt with winter leggings underneath, frills of lace decorated the bottom of his skirt as well as his long puffed sleeves that were divided into two sections by ribbons. His attire was a few shades of orange, the absence being the white trim with matching fingerless gloves, white flower petals surrounding a green stone ornament on his chest with matching earrings, and for the final touch a dainty crown around his bun. It was a matching green flowered gemstone to that of his chest in the center of the gold ring and two red stones surrounding it. The finishing touch to his look was simple black winged eyeliner on his eyes.

"Same to you, Lafayette," Sir Laurens smiled. "Ça va bien, the Mushroom Kingdom is lovely this time of year."

Lafayette closed the door behind the knight as he came in. Another reason he favored Laurens was that he knew Ganchen, unlike a certain pink prince who couldn't speak it to save his life. "Is this a business call?"

"I'm afraid so," he nodded. "Prince Aaron wanted me to make sure you got this letter as soon as possible."

The Prince in orange cocked a brow in response, "that urgent?" He couldn't say he liked hearing from Aaron, but he knew the feeling was mutual. "I suppose I should read that then, huh?"

That got John to chuckle, "trust me, this is important."

He sighed dramatically before taking the letter. "Si je dois," he walked over to the throne--his throne room having been placed at the entrance of the castle--before sitting in it with little to no tact. He just wanted to be comfortable, for, shouldn't a royal be comfortable in their own home?

Opening the letter the prince began to read.

'Dear Prince Lafayette of Sarasaland, I hope this letter finds you in good health.' He was always so formal, it was boring and made Lafayette roll his eyes. 'I'm afraid I have bad news. I don't know if you've heard but I'd been kidnapped recently. Not the most pleasant of experiences, if you can imagine. Thankfully I was rescued by two very unique plumbers or this situation may have ended very poorly. The man who kidnapped me is the new King over the badlands, he's seeking a merging of kingdoms by means of marriage. Seeing as you're also not currently engaged, at least last I heard you were not, I thought I would give you this warning. If a King by the name of'-

Before Lafayette finished there was a knock at the front door. "Excuse me, John. I'll just answer that, I sent my herald off somewhere--I can't quite remember what for but I'm sure it was important."

George Washington, Lafayette's advisor—although more often than not he acted more like the Prince's father—spoke up before the orange Prince had even moved from his throne. "Nonsense, I'll get it for you. You shouldn't be answering your castle's door anyway, you're royalty."

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