Chapter 2: Morning Brew

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"Do you think we'll experience anything as exciting as rescuing a prince again?" Alex was throwing a ball into the air and catching it again whilst laying on the couch, one arm behind his head. He wore the same green long sleeved shirt, matching green hat, denim overalls, and white gloves he always did. He'd been awake for a while now, otherwise he wouldn't have been dressed yet.

Alex was bored, more often than not that was the case. He tried to fill his time as much as possible. Standing still and doing nothing really wasn't his thing, typically he would write but at the moment he had no reason other than to update his journal and he'd already added eight pages that day to catch up where he was now, in precise detail of course.

Hercules looked over at him from where he was sitting up to the table. Unlike Alex, he was still in his night clothes, not having bothered to get dressed in his own coverall outfit. "... Alex, we literally just woke up. I'm eating breakfast. It's like... Not even six thirty."

"And?" He stopped throwing the ball and looked over at Hercules. "What's your point?"

The plumber typically donned in a red short sleeved shirt and blue overalls blinked for a moment, then he looked over to their coffee machine. Sitting next to it was a nearly empty pot of coffee, Alex hadn't even rinsed it out yet. "... Why did you have so much coffee this early in the morning?"

"I didn't just drink it all at once this morning... I drank it progressively over a couple of hours." He nodded like that was reasonable.

Hercules sighed before continuing to eat his breakfast. "You're a disaster, Alex."

"Hey, I'm the best disaster there is. Now, you never answered my question, you're starting to make me think that you don't care about what I'm saying." Alex playfully scoffed, "but that would be ridiculous."

"Oh terribly, I couldn't even begin to imagine something like that. Who wouldn't want to listen to you?" His sarcasm was evident but it didn't bother Alexander.

He smirked, "I know, it's crazy. I-" Alex was going to continue their sarcastic conversation but there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" Alexander scrambled from the couch, desperate for anything to fill the blank space in their schedule.

"Oh no," Hercules mocked in a monotone voice, "I wanted to get it." He rolled his eyes before continuing to eat his breakfast.

The tone earned Hercules a glare, but that expression didn't last. He smiled as he opened the door. "Why hello-... Sir Laurens?"

The knight gave a sheepish smile, "hey. So... We have another situation-"

"Don't tell me the Prince of the mushroom kingdom got kidnapped twice in a row." Alex shook his head, "because if that happened I feel like you didn't take the last time very seriously, otherwise you would've learned."

"Uh, no. He's fine, great even." He gave a quick laugh. "The problem this time is with the Prince of Sarasaland-"

Before he could finish speaking, Hercules could be heard at the table. He swept his bowl of cereal off of the table. "What are knights even for!"

"Don't mind him, he's a grump in the mornings." Alex waved his hand like it was nothing. "Do continue."

Laurens took a minute before continuing, being understanding of the irritated mumbling that he could hear behind the door that Alex kept a little more closed than before. "That tyrant king is back and the Prince of Sarasaland is not as well equipped as the Mushroom Kingdom. He has knights," he made that point clear, "but in the last situation we had, you two were the only ones capable of crossing his terrain and making it back. I just want to make sure he makes it back safely and I know you're both the most capable of taking on that foul man."

It was nice to hear the confidence in their abilities. Hercules didn't appreciate it nearly as much as Alex did, not paying it too much mind. Hamilton knew it was true, so of course his pride appreciated it.

"We have done it before, yes. So it would make sense you would come to us first." Alex pursed his lips, "though I do have to ask, why is the Prince of Sarasaland so ill equipped? Does he not worry for the safety of his kingdom or does he just not have many willing to come forward to the position?"

John nodded, it was an understandable question to have. "Prince Aaron sent him a letter in warning but he hadn't been able to read it in time for his knights to be prepared. He keeps the knights patrolling the kingdom and its borders more than his own castle so there weren't many on standby."

"Why would he leave his castle so poorly guarded? That's just putting himself at risk."

"The Prince is very... Different. He just does things in a different way, it's not bad or unfitting of him. I know it is considered quite odd in comparison to most royals standards but he makes it work typically."

"... And that means?" Alexander drawled his question.

"You'd have to meet him to really understand who he is and why he does things the way he does, he's a hard person to describe. Very unique," he chuckled. "And very confident in his own abilities."

"I see," Alex sighed. "Well he sounds interesting," he perked right back up. "In that case I suppose we'll just have to accept-"

Hercules interrupted, "don't you dare agree without me!"

"I'm not, you're right here." He flashed John a smile, "consider it done. We'll do it."

The plumber in red was going to protest but sir Laurens was smart enough not to let him. "Wonderful, I'll meet you at the Sarasaland castle then." He was just as quick to speak as Alex was, seeing as he wanted them to go it only seemed appropriate to do so.

Alexander smirked, "you know, since we're headed the same way I don't see why we shouldn't just join you." He left the door open as he walked out. "C'mon Herc, we have a prince to rescue." One of these days Alex was going to be strangled, Hercules was going to strangle him and it was because of moments like these. He would be lucky if that day wasn't today. 

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