the entrance exams 1

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Hiii guys I apologize for the lateness of update, it's that I was out of ideas and yea, I've got ideas and such due to other stories I've read and since I don't know much of mha there might be mistakes or such so yea
Anyway let's get on with it!

• might be bad grammar
• cussing
• mistakes? ( oof- I'm bad at writing)
Previously on our badass mochi

So if you ever experience that with someone there's no doubt that there your soulmate.

"Wow that's so cool!, mama i'm sure I will fine my soulmate"

"Im sure you will"
There's no doubt about it, after all those feelings I've felt ... there's no doubt
"She's my soulmate"

P.o.v: izuku sighs as he walks in the entrance exams where they first takes the written exams. He took a seat near the window side while resting his bag behind him, then he looks around notices there are alot of students taking the written exams, suddenly his eyes land on the girl before she wasn't that far from him.

She was resting her head on the desk then she looks up feeling eyes on her she turns around and there green eyes is what met hers. 

Izuku immediately looks away from those beautiful chocolate brown orbs.not wanting her to know he was starting or think he's a creep, tho he new she probably already saw him
His freckled face taking a fimlar color of red .

He's blushing.  He looks back only to be taken a back to seeing her smiling at him. And God, was her smile breath taking.  He then waves at her chuckling at his awardness " damn my awardness " he thought to himself

Suddenly the door opens revealing cementoss. He walks in sending out papers to everyone, as soon as he receives one he release its the exam paper.

" you students have 2 hours to complete your exams. Once you've been received a paper you may begin "

Once everyone got there exam sheets, they start. Izuku was focused on the exam he already jotted some answers tho some of the questions on the paper makes him wonder. But he knows he can handle it that's until he heard cementoss.

" ah young miss is there something you need or a question you want to ask?"

He looks up to see the brown haired girl standing up with her paper in hand along with her sweet smile that always seems to grace her lips .

" ah no sir!, I just wanted to tell you that I've finished " his mouth drops as he watch her hand out her paper to cementoss who's eyes was wide like plates along with everyone who heard .

"WHAT!, I-uhh let me check" cementoss carefully scanned the papers and as his eyes scanned every inch they got wider that they seem to pupl out of his sockets, along with his mouth that was gaping like a fish.

" t-this is ... incredible! This is the first of first! And in such a short time too!, ah you can leave you miss" he said not taking his eyes of the paper and a big smile spread across his lips.

" Arigato!" Ochako said with her sunshine smile proud that she knows she did well she then turns leaving the place as the students in the exam stares at her with there mouths hanging.

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