Chapter 23: A great mission

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The next morning Yato was doing his usual morning training with Itachi and Shisui as Yato had caught his two student's wrists and pulled them together which caused the two young Uchiha head's to crash into each other.

Yato didn't stop their he followed up with Yato kneeing Shisui in the stomach this catching Itachi attention and using this to his advantage of Itachi guard down Yato had then quickly let go of Itachi wrist and then punched him in the stomach.

Itachi and Shisui were both now trying to catch their breath but Yato still didn't stop as he then side kicked Shisui in the stomach sending flying towards a tree.

Shisui quickly regained himself and had focused his chakra to his feet and went connected to the tree had stopped himself from going flying through the tree.

'That was close' Shisui thought but just as they were gonna continue a voice.

"Darling wait!" this voice being Tsunade who was watching.

"Something wrong Tsunade?" Yato asked confused as they were in an open feild were nobody could get caught in the cross fire.

"Let's switch" Tsunade said this caught both the young Uchiha off guard as she would often just watch the boys train together.

"Sure" Yato said as he had then walked over towards Tsunade and raised his hand so did Tsunade as both had high fived.

As Tsunade now had taken Yato position as now the two young Uchiha we're gonna be facing off against one of the legendary sannin Tsunade Senju herself.

This would be Itachi first time training against Tsunade but as for Shisui it will be his second as the first time it was a two against two match with Shizune and Shisui against Yato and Tsunade.

Yato knew that Tsunade even without enhancing herself with chakra she still has a monstrous amount of strength.

The two young Uchiha had both gotten up and regrouped together as Tsunade had looked at the two young boys.

"Itachi be careful of getting in close range of lady Tsunade if even one of her punches connect with you it might be bad" Shisui said.

"Got it" Itachi said understanding as he had heard of Tsunade during the third ninja war and not only how she was a great healer but very strong and how she also with Jiraiya and Orochimaru managed to hold their own against the leader of the rain village Hanzō until Yato had arrived.

So the two young Uchiha quickly gotten into a defensive stance.

"If you won't come at me then I will come at you!" said as she had then rushed towards the two young Uchiha not giving them any chance to make a plan as Tsunade had jumped up in the air and had delivered it to the ground infront of the two.

"If you won't come at me then I will come at you!" said as she had then rushed towards the two young Uchiha not giving them any chance to make a plan as Tsunade had jumped up in the air and had delivered it to the ground infront of the two

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This axe kick had pushed the two back seperating the two which was Tsunade plan as Itachi had quickly preformed his hand signs and had then launched his Jutsu.

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