
14 1 9

<3 y/n <3

'where do you live, i have to deliver something to your house.'

y/n . . .

'my address is (random address)'

'okay cool, i'll deliver it to you as soon as i can.'


now that i knew where she lives, i will go by and visit..

i grabbed my bag with a gun, tape, rope, scissors, glue, glass, camera, small container.

getting into the car i started driving to the location. which actually wasn't that far, it was 15 minutes away.

i knew i definitely couldn't drive 15 minutes out of my day to go to her house.

as i made it to her home i stared at every possible for sale house. from where i was there wasn't one so far.

though i made it to her home.

two cars were parked outside her area.

one had to be hers and somebody else's, but who is seeing my beautiful y/n...!

jealously starting building up, i felt very angry. i wanted to kill the person. no matter if it was their sibling, cousin, mother, father, aunt, lover, friend.

y/n is mine and only mine.

i got out of my car, with my bag. i looked around the home stated as her home.

movement was made through inside the home.

a tall male was drinking coffee with y/n, she seemed annoyed and kinda pissed off.

jealousy built even more and more inside of me.

"i should've brought a damn knife!"

"juuzou! you could've killed him..so he can't be near my y/n."

i stayed to watch them.

y/n got up from the table and her breasts bounced as she got up, but i also noticed he was staring there too. he smirked and spoke, at least i could hear what he was saying.

"wow y/n~ sometimes i just wanna fuck you right here and then"

"lev. don't be so cocky, just know i will never fuck you."

he rolled his eyes as she walked away.

"and.. don't ever come near me. crazy perverted brother." y/n said

my eyes widened as she said that.

he turned to me quickly as hell, we made eye contact. "i know you're there..come out you foolish human." the male said.

a ghoul!

lev was a ghoul. i have to go back and grab my stuff to kill that man!

i crawled to the front door and stood up then i acted like i just came to deliver it. i grab the item i was going to "deliver" even though i had no reason to deliver it to her.

my hand moved to knock. though as i did the door opened.

"hi?" the ghoul said.

"ahem. hello." i said trying to notice it wasn't a ghoul

he looked me up and down then eyeing me, he turned around and side eyed me as he called out for y/n.

"yyy/nnnn somebody is here for you..." he said in a hint of jealousy.

forever and ever.. (reader x Juuzou) Where stories live. Discover now