Chapter 14

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'Fuck' I thought, looking at my love trapped in a circle of salt of her own making because, of course, it was. She had to transition right now. I glanced up at her, the words "how long do I have before I die." Echoing in my mind. Unfortunately, I could feel the air in my lungs being sucked out. She was beautiful. Better than I ever thought could happen. Her sharp pointed ears reach towards the sky, curling slightly at the tips. The veins of a leaf seemed painted on rather than grafted on like the rest of my kind. Her hair had gained a new luster, her features becoming sharper. She was beautiful before, but now she was radiant, and she's all mine.

"You have at most a month. With how quickly you took to the transition, it might be less. Honestly, it's not an exact science. The last Fae to have done this was over 500 years ago, and it wasn't exactly common than either." I said, distracted by the gentle furrow of her brow. How could anybody be beautiful?

"If it's so rare, how did you know how to do this?" Gem asked.

"Well, if you must know, I found a world history book that my parents kept around. it was old, of course, but it had some valuable information." I said. She's really going to pick this apart until she finds her way out. While there isn't one, I made sure that a long time ago. She's already mine. She just needs time to come to that same conclusion, and I will be there with her every step of the way. Holding her hand and guiding her because I know she would lose her way if I left her to her own devices.

"Maybe that book has something on untangling this mess. I'm sure you don't want to marry a girl you knew when you were five and haven't spoken to in 15 years?" Gem rambled. Her desperation hung thick in the air. It's adorable how Her lip trembles just so when things don't go her way,

"I know you far better than you think I do, dear besides, that book was burned 10 years ago in the royal fire," I said, fighting off of grin. No need to tell My little Gem that I started that fire for the very purpose of burning that book.

"It's gone?" She sobbed. It's been a while since I've seen her cry. If I could enter that circle, I would envelop her in my arms and take her home. She'd be safe. One day she will understand. A little pain today for a brighter future tomorrow. I reminded myself.

"I know it's disappointing, but you'll have me," I said, my words only seeming to make her sob harder.

"Time, I need time." She muttered. It's a good thing she didn't have time. Fae deals work best when people don't have time to think. She had time to remember. She might remember a little loophole in our contract. She might remember that all she has to do is leave town, and I would have no claim over her. Hysterics, panic, and adrenaline are what's going to keep my Gem at my side for all eternity.

"Gem know this. I have our best interests in mind. I Will do anything and everything to make sure that this transition from human to Fay is as comfortable and easy as possible." I said.

"I want to go home." She said she'd stop shaking, her voice firm, but her eyes were blank. A hard look came across her face.

"You can't exit that circle, and I can't break it. What do you propose?" I asked.

"I have a phone. Maybe I can call someone to come help." She said, her perfect red lips enticing me. She wriggled and arrived around her tiny salt prison. Just barely getting her phone. She presses the small button on the side, but nothing happens.

"What's wrong, dear?" I asked.

"First of all, stop calling that. Second of all, it's dead." She said.

"Do you want me to go find someone?" I asked,

"can you?" She asked,

"of course, but it will cost you." I smiled

"what do you want?" She asked, giving me her meanest glare even that was adorable. She looked like an angry duck.

"A kiss from you," I said, unable to contain the grin forming on my face.

"A kiss!"

"A kiss, just one is all I am asking for," I said, not entirely sure that it would end up being just one kiss, but it was all I would ask for. I will just take the rest.

"I don't think..."

"That's all I will do it for, and honestly, what other option do you have?" I asked.

"Fine, one kiss."

"Perfect," I said, popping out of existence reappearing at that one girl... Becky? Lindsay? Trixie? Trixie's house. Just walked through the doors, marching to my loves friend.

"Trixie gem needs your help," I said

"first of all, how did you get into my house? Second of all, it's Vicky. Third wears Emmy?" The blonde girl asked. I knew I was wrong, but who cares what Bicky thinks?

"She's at the school. Follow me."

"Fine, but let me grab my things." She said, picking up a leather satchel off the floor.

"Were traveling my way," I said, laying on the glamour to ensure she would have no resistance. Her eyes got that familiar glassy look, but something was off. No matter, a kiss from my Gem is worth it.

"Hop to it then." She nodded coldly at me. I fought a wince of revulsion when I touched her grimy arm.

'It's for gem, It's for gem, It's for the gem,' I chanted in my mind feeling a wave of nausea from think scent of roses and vanilla wafting from the... thing standing next to me. We popped out of existence before reappearing in front of my Gem. Her gaze was enough to make the knowledge that the disgusting creator was still holding onto my arm.

"Just break the circle of salt. After that, Gem can escape on her own," I said, not paying any mind to the thing next to me. I heard some shuffling gem, and the creature hugged.

"You never answered my question, Theo. What was your plan?" My love asked. Her still enveloped in Bicky's arms.

"That's the thing about deals, Gem. They don't work unless both parties uphold their end of the bargain. On the other hand, that second deal still applies. I'll be expecting that kiss," I said, grinning.

"Emmy, did you make a deal with him?" Bicky's voice was like nails on a chalkboard.

"I did."

"I'll let you get your end of the bargain because it's not harmful, but you're going to need to tell me why my friend has pointed ears, okay Fae," the blonde-haired nuisance spat, holding out a short Iron knife. For the first time, I really looked at that bag. A mountain of salt spilling over the edge. Shit.

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