Chapter 15

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"Vicky, why do you have a knife?" I ask, a Nervus Giggle fighting its way up my throat.
"Emmy, I don't know why you are talking to a fae, but I can guarantee you that it is never a good plan," she said, not even looking at me as she blatantly ignored my question.
'Why does everyone ignore me. That's Fucking it.' I thought, Seeing red. Clenching my jaw.
"VICKY, Put your dam Knife down. I can't do anything about Theo; He and I are bound together for eternity." I shouted for a moment. I thought they had listened to me. Averting my rage from Vicky, I turned on Theo.
"And you Get out. I want to be alone. For a moment, while I take in my impending doom. Go back to pixy hollow or something." I was officially done with this situation.
"I am not leaving you, gem." He said, his eyes going dark.
'We are back to me not being Listened to, noted, and unappreciated.'
"I know, I know I am your's or something. GO away for Today. I need to be alone. Just pleas." I threw out every lick of pride that I held. I begged, Begged! The only thing I didn't do was get on my hands and knees. Instead of listening to me, He decided to get closer, his eyes darkening with each booming step. If it wasn't for the knife, Vicky Still hadn't put it down. I know that he would be invading my personal bubble. Does no one listen to me?
"Bicky, just put down the knife. I'm not going to hurt her; I just want to give her a proper goodbye." He said, hissing as he pushed the blunt side of the blade down with one finger.
"If you hurt her, I am taking your head with me, and my name is Fucking Vicky." She said, sheathing the blade before putting it into her bag.
"ok, Bicky. I would be offended that you would think me capable of hurting a treasure such as her, but why would I care for a hunter scum's opinion of me?" He said, Bypassing her, his shoulder slamming into her. He gave me the most innocent puppy dog look as though I hadn't just watched him almost push my friend over.
"Gem, I will give you time, but I need you not to trust Bicky over there. She is dangerous to you now. Don't worry. I will protect you." he whispered into my ear, enveloping me in his Pine scent. I nodded because what else was I going to do? Fight the Fae in front of me? A fat load of good that would do! At best, he would die, and then I would die because he was dead. I didn't ever want to see him angry there are far worse things than death, and something tells me Theo isn't exactly the forgiving sort. I thought to myself.
As he pulled away from me, his eyes flickered to my lips. His head leaning down. I wonder what his rosy lips would feel like on mine? I have never kissed anyone before. Wait, how does someone kiss? Do they just stand there, lips mashed together? I panicked internally. Theo stopped his lips just a whisper from my own.
"Don't worry, dear, your first kiss will be somewhere more private without the Hunter staring at us in the corner," he said, spitting out the word hunter like it burned him. His lips brushed my cheek, a promise or a threat I couldn't quite tell.
"I will give you your space for Today. Because, unlike Bicky, I respect your opinion. Goodbye, my dear." He said, popping out of existence the only proof that he had ever existed, the Broken circle of salt still lying at my feet. It didn't take Vicky even two seconds to start dragging me out of the room.
"I know that this has been hard, but you need to talk to me; Emerald, this is not a good situation," Vicky said, her grip on my wrist just a smidge too tight, cutting off the circulation. Tears freely pooled down my face. I was not the pretty type of cryer, blotchy-faced, hiccuping sobs and all.
"Vicky... I -I -I Did something bad." I sobbed. Vicky stopped pulling on my hand.
"What happened, Emms," she asked, her voice small and weak like a powerless child. Maybe that's what we were two children facing, something far more than either of us can really fight.
"I-I-I M-M-made a d-eal..."
"We aren't going to get any were with you crying like this. Let's get to my house. I will make you a cup of hot cocoa, and we'll watch anything you want. You just need to tell me what is going on." She said, trying to be comforting. I nodded because what else am I supposed to do to disappear without a trace?
"We need to clean up this salt before we leave, ok, Emms," she said. I hadn't even noticed her grabbing a broom. After a few minutes, I stopped crying, left with the tight constricting of my lungs and a still burning face.
"I made a deal with Theo, one that I can't get out of," I said, finally able to vocalize my words.
"Fae are tricky, but there is always a loophole," she said, dusting the last of the salt into a trash can.
"Vicky, how did you know that Theo was a Fae? Why did you know to show up with a knife?" I asked.
"I knew you would ask that. Emms, I am a hunter, or at least my family is." she sighed, motioning me to start on our way out.
"What the Hell is a hunter."
"A hunter typically deals with this type of problem, fae vampires Wearwolfs."
"Excuse me, vampires."
"Not the issue right now, but yes vampires exist. You, know how my parents are constantly on business trips?... There hunting. It's a bit of a family business. My older brother is one, and all my cousins are hunters. We are raised in some of the safest communities so that we aren't targeted."
"Safe, right, well you have grown up here, and I am about to get spirited away by some Pixy or something." I laughed.
"It's one of the safest areas in the country. Nothing has happened in almost fifty years, but obviously, there are hiccups. We should have known the Fae haven't abandoned this community."
"If you're going to become a hunter, why stay here," I asked, finally realizing what this meant. I wasn't just going to become a fae; I would become her enemy."
"Emmy, I never wanted to be a hunter. I Hate tracking vamps down. I can't stand dealing with werewolf frat parties, and the Fae are the scummiest of the bunch. WIth there stupid deals and the like. I wanted to stay here in town because it Was safe. Come, let's get you to my house." she said, pulling me along. That's when it hit me. I wasn't human anymore; I was the so-called scummiest of the bunch.
"For what, Vicky. Are you going to hurt me?" My voice cracks.
"Emmy, I would never hurt you."
"What makes me so different from a vampire or a werewolf? What makes me different." I shout.
"Emmy, I know you, besides humans can't turn into a fae. No matter what those ears say. I don't care what you are turning into. I will always be your friend, and I will always be there for you, but I think we need to get back to my house just so that you can tell me what is happening," she said, smiling at me.
"I know, I know I am the best. Now let's get you to my house." She said

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