My angel guardian took me by my arm and led me to my studies I have responsibilities I have to teach the newbies (new angels) tell them what to and not to do. After studies is welcoming ceremonies it's when we all wait for new angels then we wait a week until we start our studies with them. I have to teach little ones it's sad to think how they got this way. It's interesting learning how earth has changed. It's fascinating.
Journal entry 263 where was I Oh yes my little brother his name was Josh unlike me he had blonde hair but he still had green eyes. Mom said dad died when I was 4 I haven't seen him yet I don't know what he looks like but I wonder if I met him yet? Oh well I'm sure I'll find him soon. Anyway I've really wanted to go back to earth I've tried passing through the gate but something holds me back.
fallen angel
Fantasíaabout an angel who gets sent back to earth for another chance at life