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Feb 22, 2022, 11:33 AM

Sorry di ako makakapunta ngayon, tambak school works eh.

Cancelled naman classes tomorrow, I'll be there first thing in the morning.
Seen Feb 22 at 12:05 PM

Feb 22, 2022, 7:36 PM

How are you?

Better than yesterday, I guess.

Do you want me to bring you anything tomorrow?

Gastos mo talaga.

My new hobby is to spoil you.
Seen Feb 22 at 7:42 PM

Ashe is typing...


Why are you doing this?

What exactly do you mean by 'this'?

You know what I mean.

I feel like what's happening is just too fast.

Isn't it clear enough for you, Ashe?

O, ayaw mo lang tanggapin sa sarili mo yung mga ginagawa ko?

I like you, Ashe.
Seen Feb 22 at 7:46 PM

Stop playing games with me Pierre.

What exactly are your intentions?

That hurts, Ashe. I'm not playing with you.

Hindi naman ako aabot sa ganito kung di ako seryoso.

That's bullshit.

You don't like me. You never liked me.
Seen Feb 22 at 7:52 PM

Pierre is typing...

Don't tell me you're talking about what happened in the past...

Seen Feb 22 at 7:56 PM

Ashe is typing...

And what if I am? What if that's where I'm coming from?

That was years ago, Ashe.

What happened years ago because of you and your friends made me reliant to all these prescriptions.

What happened during those times isn't something easy for me to forget, unlike you.

You're not the one who got bullied.

Pierre is typing...

But I did not bully you back then, Ashe.

You may not have bullied me the way your friends did, but you tolerated them.

You have all the means to tell the counselors the truth. But you didn't, diba? Instead, you made me look like I was only fabricating lies about being your prey.
Seen Feb 22 at 8:07 PM

Pierre is typing...

You're one bad memory that I've been trying to bury and burn all these years.

I have to continuously seek help and therapy, to rely on shits like these medications just because people like you happened.

Now tell me, Pierre, what are your intentions?

Why are you suddenly showing up when I'm so close to being okay?
Seen Feb 22 at 8:18 PM

Pierre is typing...

I never got the chance to apologize to you. Bigla ka na lang nawala at the end of the school year.

I tried to look for ways to contact you, but you're out from every social media. You changed your number as well.

You only came back after years of not showing yourself to any of us. And I couldn't find the right timing para humingi ng tawad sayo, because I thought you're already doing better.
Seen Feb 22 at 8:21 PM

When I saw you recently, I took the chance to reconcile with you.

We started talking, but you never dared to open up about what happened. I assumed that you've move on.

You assumed, Pierre, you only assumed.

What do I expect? You never experienced being bullied.

You'll never know exactly how it feels like to live in trauma of what might happen to be in that situation again.
Seen Feb 22 at 8:30 PM

Pierre is typing...

I'm so sorry, Ashe.
Seen Feb 22 at 8:33 PM

Feb 22, 2022, 9:46 PM

Pierre called you.

I'll be there tomorrow.

I'll make sure to make it up to you.

Kung kailangan kong bumawi araw-araw,
I'll do it without a doubt.

Thank you for hearing me out, Ashe.

Good night.

PerilTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon