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Mar 30, 2022, 10:03 AM


Can we talk?
Seen Mar 30 at 10:09 AM

Mar 30, 2022, 11:05 AM

About what?

About everything.
Seen Mar 30 at 11:07 AM

It's fine if you're not going to talk to me personally or even reply on this, I know and I understand where you're coming from. Just please hear me out.
Seen Mar 30 at 11:11 AM

Wala akong masamang intensyon when we visited you the last time. Though I really expected that that'll be your initial reaction kapag nakita mo kami, and I really can't blame you.

I won't beat around the bush anymore, Madrid. I want to apologize for everything. It took me long enough to gather my strength to do this, to apologize to you. And I know that it's such a lame excuse to say that I'm young and immature back then kaya ko nagawa lahat ng 'yon.

I'm also certain that no given reasons would take away all the pain that I've caused you, so I'll spare you from my own life drama. I really just wanted to apologize.

Elias is typing...

I'm sorry for all the things I've put you through, for making your life back then a living hell.

I'm so sorry for everything, Ashe.

By all means, you don't deserve all the things you've suffered from back then.

Ashe is typing...

I won't expect forgiveness from you given the fact that you're still suffering until now.

I just wish you all the best, Ashe, and I sincerely hope you'll recover soon enough.

Ashe is typing...

It's all in the past now, Elias. You're forgiven.

Ashe is typing...

Elias is typing...

Are you serious???

Thank you for doing this. Thank you for giving me all the more reason to let go of what happened from the past.

Elias is typing...

Live a good life, Elias.

No wonder Pierre's entirely head over heels to you.
Seen Mar 30 at 12:08 PM

* * *

Mar 30, 2022, 1:28 PM


Are you okay?

Hindi ka daw makausap ng ayos ni Ate Pola kanina.

Ashe is typing...

I'm okay.

PerilTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon