Chapter 1

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            Marissa suddenly woke up. She shot straight up, her breath trembling, and dried drool coming out of the left side of her mouth spreading onto her cheek. Her blonde honeysuckle hair was all knotted from the squirming last night. And she was still in her day clothes from the night before. She sat up and sighed. God, why do I keep having that dream? Is it tethered to my BRAIN? She tied her hair up and sniffed her armpit. She pulled away. Wow, how many days has it been since I showered? Two? Three? Ugh, I can't even remember. Marissa got up to shower, not even bothering to fix her bed. 

            Once Marissa got out of the shower, brushed her teeth, and got dressed, she headed towards the combat arena on the other side of town. Every night when she was young, she would look out her bedroom window in the mountains and gaze at the fighters across the small village. Even with the distance she could watch and predict the fighters every move, wishing to be like them one day. She would stare in awe watching them as they clashed their swords and use their powers against one another in combat. Now here she was, walking towards the arena herself to train with Fue. She never really believed her dreams, so she had nothing against him, or at least that's what she wanted to believe, forcing the other possibilities into the back of her mind. 

            Today she was eager to speak with Fue, she had many questions about her Elvin ceremony. Like what power do you think I'll get? And Do you believe I am ready? And most of all... Will you be there?  Ever since her fathers death, Fue has taken on the role of father figure in her life. She had looked to him for advice more than anyone in her life, not that she had many. The main people that were in her orbit were Fue and her friends. 

            By the time that Marissa finished her thought, she had arrived at the combat arena. It was a huge area used for gladiator fights. The columns supporting the place looked at least a hundred years old, some of them wrapped in green ivy. The open windows didn't give you much to see, since most of them were broken and chipped. But in Marissa's eyes, the place was beautiful. It was a place of Elvin heritage. In old stories, in was the birthplace of her village, Ereípía. Some even said it was the start of Proecta, meaning the whole world. And to Marissa, it was the start of her future. 

            "Hello my young pupil!" Fue cheered. Fue was an old man with pale skin and a long grey beard. Right now his eyes were green. His eyes changed throughout the year. Sometimes they were white like ice, his Elvin power, and sometimes they were green, like when the ice melted. He stood in the middle of the arena, his hands wide as if waiting to embrace her in a big hug. Marissa walked over and hugged him, switching her sword and bow to the other side of her shoulder, making sure not to poke him in the nose. 

            "Are you excited for tonight? Ah, I remember my Elvin ceremony." He looked up at the sky for a short daydream. "It was about 350 years ago..." Marisa cut him off. "I mean I guess." She paused. "Oh, what am I kidding? I am elated. I hope I'll get fire!" 

            "Like your father." 

            Marissa ignored the comment. "What do you think I'll get? Fire, oh, I would be so happy. Air? Earth?" 

            "Maybe... Water?" 

            Marissa was now skilled at ignoring him, it was her specialty. "Anyway" he continued. "You ready for your training? It will be your last one while you are a regular." 

            Marissa looked around at her beautiful surroundings. Then she looked down. She tossed her bow to the side of the arena, flashing her sword out of it's hold. "Ready." 

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