Chapter 34

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Jasmine woke up and groaned, her whole body ached and her eyes were puffy and itchy. She got up and headed to the bathroom and started a shower. As she undressed, she frowned trying to remember when she even went back to her hotel room, but she couldn't remember. The last thing she remembered was lashing out at North.

She stood under the hot water and sighed. What was she going to do? She dreaded getting out of the shower because she was nervous that the men would be in her room again and she really didn't want to deal with them at this moment. Once the water started turning cold, she finally had to give in and get out of the shower. She dried off and put lotion on then got dressed in a large baggy long sleeve shirt and sweat pants then began brushing her hair. Taking a deep breath she finally gathered the courage and opened the door.

She had to admit she was shocked to find the room still empty. She really fully believed that she would find the men in her room again and yet it was empty. Sighing in relief she sat on the hotel bed and put a mask on her face then turned on the tv. She set a timer then put an eye mask on to help reduce the puffiness from her cryfest. She laid back on the bed and listened to the show that was on to try and calm her racing mind.

She couldn't believe she lashed out at North like that but at the same time she was kind of glad that she did. She let out a lot of pent up anger and feelings that she had but she was also kind of pissed that she admitted some feelings that she wasn't ready to face yet.

As she laid there lost in her thoughts she had to admit she was so confused on what to do now. She didn't know how to navigate this new life that she was forced into. If she was honest with herself, she wanted to go back to where all she had to really focus on was being the best doctor she could be. She didn't want to have to worry about being a beloved or deal with the pain that North caused her and worry about being hurt again. She just wanted to focus on being a doctor and nothing else.

The timer went off and she sat up then started removing the masks then rubbing in the moisture that was left behind. Feeling drained she threw away the masks then laid back down. Rolling over to her side she frowned when she saw the folded up piece of paper on the nightstand. She sat back up, grabbed the paper and opened it:


I wanted to tell you that I am sorry I ever hurt you in the first place. I can only tell you that I did it out of fear and if I could go back in time I would never have said those hurtful words in the first place. I'm not sorry that I met because then I never would have known what true love is. I know you probably don't believe in it right now but you are my, my brother, and my family's beloved. I can only hope that one day you will realize it and we can finish our claims to one another.

I heard what you were saying last night and I realize that you are right. You have not been able to process everything you have been through. It's been one thing after and another and you were right, we were only thinking of ourselves and being with you, not how it was affecting you. We are truly sorry and yet at the same time we are not. Please let me explain, we are sorry for being so pushy and trying to be with you and show you that you are our one true love and yet I have to admit I am not sorry one bit for saving your life. You are an amazing woman Jasmine and you are going to do amazing things in your life. I couldn't lose you, I couldn't let you go and always wonder what you would have done with your life. Plus, I admit I was selfish, I wanted you with me and my family. I still do but I'm trying to listen to you and respect your wishes.

I'm sorry you have heard such bad things about being a beloved but we are not that way. We will worship you and spoil you even more than we did when we were friends. I wish you will give us a chance to show you but I heard you when you said you wanted freedom. I know we crowded you and I see now that all it did was push you further away from us. As much as it hurts me, hurts us, we are going to give you the freedom you yearn for. We are packing up as I write this and heading back to our house. I'm including everyone's phone numbers and our address and when you are ready we will love to talk and for our family to get to know you better and see the amazing person Lucian and I have known for so many years. Please just try and keep an open mind and don't give up on us yet.

Forever yours,


Jasmine sat the note down and rushed to the rooms next to hers. Seeing that they were emptied out she rushed back into her room, packed her stuff and left. Not looking a gifted horse in the mouth, she got in her car and hit the road, ready to start her life over again, this time back to how she wanted it to be.

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