Chapter 35

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Jasmine slid the key into the door and walked into the house. She locked the door and dropped the keys onto the table just missing the bowl that they were intended to go into. Sliding her shoes off, she dropped her bag and plopped down on the couch completely exhausted. She grabbed the blanket and covered up after turning on the TV. She found a show that caught her attention and started watching it to help her try and relax.

The past four months had been intriguing, renovating, and utterly nerve wracking. She was constantly looking over her shoulder expecting Luke to suddenly appear or the whole group to appear in her house and yet they hadn't. She was starting to believe North's letter that they would give her the space she wanted. She threw herself back into being a doctor once she found a house out by the ocean where she could listen to the ocean waves when she wanted. She loved walking along the shore feeling the waves kiss her ankles and she even had a favorite spot where she could sit on the rock and watch the sunset. It was the perfect place for her to sit and reflect on everything she had been through. She was slowly coping with everything and learning how to deal with the new life she was forced into. She wanted to reject her new life and continue to hate the men the forced it upon her but since she had time to think things through with a clear head now, she knew they were only trying to save her and they weren't doing it for their own selfish needs. She kind of regretted lashing out at North the way she did but at the same time she didn't. She needed him to understand the pain he put her through and now she knew that he understood. She still had a long way to go but she was making progress. She yawned and rolled from her back to the side coming back to reality.

Pulling the blanket back over her, her eyes caught the tattoo and she ran her fingers gently over it, wondering what they were possibly doing at that very moment.

Wondering if you are okay

She gasped and sat up looking around nervously. "Luke?" She whispered.

I'm still at our place Cupcake.

"How?" She gasped.

The beloved bond Jazzy, it's the same way I was able to find you. You can't read our thoughts since we didn't finish the claim but since I tasted your blood I'm able to read your thoughts. I could even see through your eyes if I wanted to but I haven't. I've been respecting your wishes.

Then how did you know? She frowned suspiciously.

Your voice entered my mind so I opened the bond. I promise this is the only time I've opened it.

And everyone else? Your brother?

I just asked, they could tell I was talking to you so they kept their links closed until you gave permission, even North.


He's trying Jasmine. He really is.

I can tell, She sighed, Is it weird I keep expecting you to suddenly pop up?

No, I can understand that. I will if you want me to.

No, I was just saying.

I know Cupcake. Are you okay?

Just tired, that's all.

Can you please let the others know. They would really appreciate hearing it from you instead of me. Please?

Fine, She sighed and rolled her eyes. She felt her mind open more and took a deep breath then slowly let it out. I'm fine, just tired.

Long day being a doctor? North asked.

Yes, fourteen hour shift.

Were you able to take a lunch break?

If I said yes would you believe me?

I would try.

Thank you for being honest North, She sighed, and thank you for keeping your word. I'll be honest too. No, I was not able to take a lunch break today, too many drunks decided to drive today. I'm too tired to get up and figure out what to cook. I'll make something in the morning.

Can we please order something to be delivered Baby? I mean Jasmine.

That actually sounds wonderful, she thought honestly. I would appreciate that but I don't know what I am hungry for honestly, nothing sounds good while I think about it. I just want to sleep but I desperately need to take a shower.

Will you please send us your address and we will order you something? I'm Victor Morgan by the way.

She picked up her phone and debated for a minute. Gathering courage she opened the text message and created a group message. She sent her address then before she could question it she sent a picture of the tattoo then shut her phone. She closed the bond and rushed up to the shower.

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