10K SPECIAL. "oh, no, I still wanna reminisce it"

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a very special thank you to everyone of u who enjoys this story. also, i cant pay for anymore of your therapies, im extremely broke. anyway, have fun <33


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21:79 ─❁────────── 31:80

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I feel a little nauseous and my hands are shaking

I guess that means you're close by

My throat is getting dry and my heart is racing

I haven't been by your side

In a minute, but I think about it sometimes


          MAWAR NEVER IN HER LIFE would she wish her life upon even her worst enemies.

It was just something that she didn't think anyone should go through. She didn't think anyone but her could go through every single event that happened through her life without having the need to feel as if they're going mad.

It was just sucky; from living in poverty for a good amount of years; to suffering the struggles of being immigrant with her parents; to the death of her father; to the unjust murder of her mother; to the cruel murder of the love of her life that she didn't think could ever find anywhere even at the depths of the earth; to suffering from insanity; to finally, not being able to see as your daughter, the only family you have. Who would ever want to go through that?

Mawar felt as if her life had been cursed even before she was born. Sometimes — many times actually, she wishes that things were different.

She breathed in lightly as she looked around the room which had once been filled with love. Now, it was just nothing but an empty house that she would soon be living in again. There were no longer any signs of warmth that had radiated the place so contagiously once, and it was no help that there were many memories that had been made in this home that had to unfortunately end in the cruellest way possible for a family.

This beloved home of hers that she hasn't stepped foot in for almost two decades now felt as if it was a stranger's house... yet, she didn't want to part from it. She rather have to live alone than to part ways from the only remaining memoir she had of her family.

She gazed longingly at the shattered family portrait that her daughter had attempted to hang back up against the wall while cleaning the place for her. Mawar felt her heart clenched; the familiar heartache of the past coming to play in her chest, vivid to torture her as she stared at the smiling faces of her parents, husband, and infant daughter... herself.

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now