Chapter 12 - Diamond of Misfortune

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Man: "Ladies and gentlemen, gather round! The Frost Fair hasn't happened in almost eighty years...! Don't miss your chance!"

Zuli: "Isn't this exciting, Ciel?! It's really happening in our lifetime!"

Ciel: "I know what you mean."

Sebastian: "Impressive. 'Frost Fair' certainly is an apt title for this."

Ciel: "A large gathering held at the foot of the London Bridge when the Thames freezes over..."

Zuli: "Our mother told us about it. Though it hasn't been held for several decades now... not since 1814."

As we were walking past the stalls, one in particular caught my eye.

Zuli: "Ciel, look."

Seller: "Step on up, ladies and gents... I've got bargains that would blow even Jack Frost away. Buy something for someone special."

We both smiled.

Sebastian: "Is there something amusing?"

Ciel: "Those goods are all of dubious quality."

I put my arm around him.

Zuli: "Funtom should set up a stall. Any of our products would be better than what that man is selling."

Ciel: "You're right. Take that for instance..."

He pointed at the modal ark.

Seller: "Ah...! Hello there, young nobles... You have good eyes. That piece is one of a kind... It was manufactured by the Funtom Toy Company years ago... back when it was still only just a small craft studio."

Zuli: "No... that is a blatant fake. The Funtom Arks are rare... only three were ever made."

Ciel: "Our predecessor employed the talent of an artist incredibly skilled in his craft."

Zuli: "Since the fire... even we no longer possess one."

Ciel: "One most certainly wouldn't turn up here."

Sebastian: "Noah's Ark... You know... it reminds me of this country."

Zuli & Ciel: "Why is that?"

Sebastian: "Think about it. A boat captained by a single person. One filled with only the select few who have been chosen to be saved..."

He smiled.

Sebastian: "Rather arrogant, don't you think?"

Abberline: "Is that...?"

Zuli: "Well well well... Inspector Abberline. Didn't expect to see you here."

Ciel: "A Scotland Yard inspector has time to attend to the fair... London must be very peaceful..."

Zuli: "Today, anyway."

Abberline: "It's not! I'm on duty right now!"

Zuli: "Oh, is that so?"

Ciel: "Well then, we'll leave you to earn your wages in faithful service to the queen and country."

Zuli: "Good day, Inspector."

We turned to leave.

Abberline: "Wait, come back! I have some questions I want to ask you! Zuli, Ciel!"

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