Chapter 9

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April and Vern appear just as the girls near the cage. Looking around, the two human adults could see that all of the scientists had fled after the alarm went off, leaving the turtles to die. April heard the fighting coming from the next room below. Reika looked down to see what was happening.

"Get my brothers out of there," Raph told her.

"What about you?"

"I'll be fine!"

Reika nodded as Vern looked amazed to see what was happening. "Three... Four total turtles. One's fighting a robot samurai. Why not?"

Shira looked at the turtles and the others. What should she do? The glass contains and monitors were a mass of lights, tubes and wires. The glass was pretty strong for a human to break through. Shira was told by Tomoka once. When their blood is drained completely, they'll go pale and weak, they're breathing will get faster until they stop breathing, and go into shock and die.

April ran to Donnie's cage, and started banging on the glass. "Donnie!" she screamed. "Can you hear us? What can we do?"

Donnie was almost too weak to speak and his eyes were fading. His heart rate is getting slower and so is his breath. "Aaa....."


"What? What is it?"


"I think he's saying adrenaline," said Reika.

"No no no!" whine Tomoka, holding back her tears. She was crying, banging anxiously on the glass cage with her might. "You can't leave us! Don't die! I love you!" Donnie didn't answer and his pale brown eyes slipped closed.

"Come on, Donnie," moaned April. "I need your help!"

"He's not going to respond," Reika told her. She was pretty sure that they were dying, not drowsy, but really dying.

Shira looked at her friends. Donnie was trying to hold on, Mikey's head was low, and Leo was almost to his near death. Shira touched Leo's glass cage and struggled not to cry. Her heart was pounding. "It's going to be ok. You're going to be okay," she promised. "I love you..." Leo let out a weak smile to her. She showed her true feelings to him. He's glad to see Shira one last time. Shira thought she saw a tear trickled down on Leo's cheek before his very pale blue eyes slipped closed. Her senpai was gone.

"There's got to be a way to save them. Shira?" April said, looking at Shira. 

"We can't break the glass. It's too strong!" Shira replied. "Reika?" Reika just stood there, frowning. Her face all scrunched up, not liking the idea. "Manako?" But Manako looked away from her dying Mikey. She was crying a little, hugging the glass cage. "Tomoka?"

"There's only one chance we have to do," sniffled Tomoka, wiping her tears away, because she had an idea to save them in her own thoughts. "We have to transfer our blood into the turtles." The sisters went into shock. Transferring their blood into the turtles? How is it possible? "Their blood type matches. I made this device to transfer our blood. It has a pump inside. I took some on the dump."

Tomoka took out her device she made out of her backpack which was attached to her back. It was a tank with three hoses with a syringe shot on the tips along with the other three houses with syringe tops. Inside, there was a machine like a generator that can transfer everything, even blood.

"Wait, what's going to happen to them? They seem to be going very pale and nearly white," said Reika, looking at the turtles. Their bodies were going completely white and their closed eyes became darker and more blacker now. Their shallow breathing is getting a little depth and their heads are low. "They'll die together," said Tomoka. Shira gasped, her tears trickling through her cheeks.

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