Practice Makes Perfect

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The wind was blowing outside on the brisk spring morning as the Senerchia household began to stir from their slumber.

Twenty-Year-Old Scarlett was the first one awake that day. She threw the duvet away from her body and stood up as quietly as possible, looking back at her husband, who was still fast asleep.

Work had been nonstop for him the last few months, so this downtime was much needed and appreciated by both himself and Scarlett.

Scarlett's husband was none other than the cold-hearted, handsome devil HOOK in AEW..otherwise known as Tyler.

The Twenty-Three-Year-Old had been nonstop since signing his contract with the wrestling company. He was busy working out, training, and listening to his fellow wrestlers. He was busy soaking up everything he could from anyone willing to lend some knowledge to him.

In a life filled with uncertainty and trepidation, the one constant in Tyler's life had always been Scarlett.

The two met via Scarlett's older brother, Jason, who was one of Tyler's best friends since childhood, and Tyler is Three years older than Scarlett. Tyler was never interested in her until two years prior.

The brunette had just turned eighteen, graduated from school, and Tyler was home for a graduation party.. it was at that party two years ago; everything changed.

It didn't take long after they began talking for them to kiss.

It didn't take long after the first kiss to go on the first date.

The first date turned into a second and a third.

It took three months for the I Love You's to fall effortlessly out of their mouths.

Then on their first anniversary came a proposal. Despite everyone telling Tyler to take his time and not rush things.. he saw how other men looked at Scarlett, and he was the furthest thing from possessive, but he knew he had something exceptional with that one, and he wasn't about to let it go.

Six months after the proposal came the wedding.

After a short honeymoon in Italy, Tyler was back to work as usual but with a new confidence about him. He was secure in his career and confident in his home life. His life indeed was terrific.

Six months after the wedding would lead us to today.

It was early in the morning, it was still quiet throughout the city, and the people had yet to wake up as Scarlett made her way into the bathroom connected to their bedroom quietly.

She went through her usual morning routine, shower, brush her teeth, and start the coffee downstairs before returning to the bathroom to do her hair and makeup for the day.

As she searched the drawer for a hair tie, she felt hands on her waist as his arms snuck their way around her, and she felt herself being pulled into his chest as his lips found her neck.

It was a quiet moment, just the two of them. Nobody would ever see these moments. They were just for them.

"Do you remember what today is?" Scarlett asked as she looked in the mirror at her husband, and he smiled slightly against her skin

"Of course I do" he lifted his head. "Today is the day that we throw these" he picked up the pale pink, oval case from the counter. "In the trash," tossing them to the trashcan beside the counter.

"Are you sure about this?" She asked as she turned around in his arms to face him

"Am I sure I want to have a family with you?" He asked as his eyes met hers. "I was ready to start a family with you the day we had our first date" he kissed her head. "Are you sure?" He questioned, "because we won't do it if you're not sure.. we can call the pharmacy and renew the prescription if you're not ready."

"Hey.." She grabbed his face in her hands gently, and it silenced him. "I'm sure," she nodded. "I'm ready to start a family with you," she said as his lips met hers gently.

Scarlett felt her feet leave the floor as she was thrown over her husband's shoulder.

"Tyler!" She laughed. "Put me down!" She said as she playfully hit him as he walked towards their bed

"Gladly," he said as he placed her on the bed.

He hovered over her as she lay underneath him; he smiled as her lips captured his once more.

"How long after you miss a dose can you get pregnant?" He questioned as his lips found her neck once more

"The doctor said it could take anywhere between a few days to a few months to get out of my system, but anything is possible. Anything can happen"

"So what you're telling me is, we need to practice, repeatedly," he kissed down her neck, "over and over again," he said, and she laughed.

"You know what they say," she said as she lifted his head gently so he was staring directly into her eyes. "Practice makes perfect."

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