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Tyler watched his ex-best friend storm around the cabin in a huff as he sat on the sofa. She had been going on and on for the last thirty minutes since she'd arrived.

"So let me get this straight" she stated as she came to a halt "We're not together, we are nowhere near friends anymore and you decided to have my friends trick her to help me get me up here to this cabin so I can trap her"

"Skylar" he shook his head "As much as you hate it, you and I are more than friends"

"No, We're not!" She yelled at him

"Look down," he said calmly and she looked down at her protruding stomach

"That's another thing!" She yelled and he rolled his eyes "I'm eight months pregnant! I am due to have a baby next month!"

"I'm aware" he nodded as he sat up now "A baby that you have decided to just give away to strangers"

"We're not giving it away to strangers" she shook her head "It's called doing what is best" "They're not strangers.. we got to pick the family, got to know them"

"You! You got to pick them, You got to know them, You know everything about them. They're not strangers to You! I've never even seen a picture of them" He stood up from the sofa now

"Because you refused to come to any of the appointments at the adoption agency" Skylar argued

"So let me get this straight" he ran a hand through his hair "You made me watch you go through the entire pregnancy, go to appointments, get attached to this kid, and then when it's born next month, I'm supposed just to hand it over and go on about my life like nothing happened?"

"You think it's going to just be a walk in the park for me?" She asked, "I'm growing the kid!" She argued

"Exactly!" He stopped in front of her "You're just going to be okay with this little thing coming out of you and just handing it over?" He asked, "Then we just move on like nothing happened and you didn't just go through an entire pregnancy and birth?"

"We wouldn't just move on.. we would always have this connection, to the baby, to each other, to the family raising them, we would be different but we have to think about what is best for the baby, not what is the best thing for us"

"That's exactly what You're doing" he ran his hands over his face "You're thinking about what is best for you. you don't want to have a kid because you don't want it to interrupt your life"

He walked away from her, leaving her in the living room alone.

"Really?" She asked as she followed quickly behind him to one of the bedrooms "don't you think if I didn't want the kid to interrupt my life I would have just ended it and never told you?"

"What are you so afraid of?" He asked as he turned to face her

"I'm afraid of screwing up!" She yelled and his eyes widened "I don't know the first thing about raising a kid, neither do you.. and we travel all the time, we can't raise a kid traveling all the time"

"We travel, yes, but a kid can come on the road with us, it's not like we don't have help. You think my dad wouldn't be stealing this kid every chance he got?" He asked as she stared at him in silence "Next.." He said with a shrug and she looked at him with a raised eyebrow "Next argument, because not being able to travel with a kid is invalid" he said

"I'm afraid of you," she said and his face softened

"What?" He asked, "Why are you afraid of me?" He asked and he watched her take a deep breath

"Because I love you," she said "I love you, and keeping this kid just means I will always have a reminder of that night, a reminder of everything we could have had and that would fucking suck"

She was pouring her heart out to him, if they were going to do this he needed to know how she felt, whether he liked it or not.

He needed to know how hard this would be for her.

"I'm scared to watch you be a dad because I'm afraid that I might fall more in love with you than I already am and there's nothing I can do about it but sit back and keep my feelings to myself" she continued

Her voice quickly silenced when his lips crashed against hers, it took her a second to register but not another second to wrap her arms around his neck as his hands moved from her face to her thighs, lifting her gently as he carried her to the king size bed, laying her down gently without once breaking their intertwined lips that were battling one another for dominance.

"Wait" Skylar pushed Tyler's chest gently causing him to stall all movements "What are we doing?"

"If you don't know then I'm not doing it right" he shook his head as his lips connected to her neck

"Wait wait.." She said as she pushed him away and he looked her in the eyes "What are we doing?" She asked again

"It's not like you can get more pregnant" he shook his head and she rolled her eyes

"Ty" she pushed him away and his impatient eyes met her tear-filled ones

"I" he placed a kiss on her forehead "Love" he kissed her nose "You" he kissed her lips before looking at her "I love you"

"You do?" She asked as a tear fell from her eye and he nodded as he captured the tear on her cheek with his finger

"Neither of us was going to come out of this unscathed" he shook his head "No matter what the decision is going to be"

"I love you"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2022 ⏰

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