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"Wait a minute," Ricky spoke up as he looked between Tyler and Skylar. "You're thinking about getting married?" He asked

"We've discussed it" Tyler nodded. "I mean, we're living together anyway, she's either at my apartment, or I'm at hers. We split the bills, we love each other, she's pregnant" Tyler's mouth fell open as he let that last one slip.

"Tyler!" Skylar hit his arm with a glare

"My bad," he stated. "I'm sorry. I told you I wouldn't be able to keep it a secret," he apologized.

"Hold on!" Ricky held his hand in the air. "The marriage thing I could have eventually gotten on board with, but now you're pregnant?"

"It wasn't planned" Skylar shook her head

"Yeah, no shit," Ricky stated

"and he wasn't supposed to say anything" Skylar glared at her boyfriend

"Who else knows?" Lexy asked

"Just us," Tyler spoke up. "It's still too early to tell anybody. We just found out two days ago ourselves."

"Don't," Ricky looked at his friend, "Don't tell anybody else, don't go through with it, hell, don't even get married."

"Ricky!" Lexy exclaimed

"What?" Ricky questioned, "Why would he want to get married right now? He's still just a kid" he motioned to Tyler with his hand, "He needs to be out partying, having fun, and being a twenty-year-old.. not tied down in a marriage, with a kid."

"Ricky!" Tyler stopped his friend. "You've got two seconds to shut the fuck up," he glared.

"Easy.." Skylar looked at her boyfriend as she ran her hand over his chest

"No," he shook his head, "I'm not going to calm down. I'm not going to sit here and take him spewing hate, and I'm sorry that you wanted to party your entire twenties away, that you don't have a girl that you love, but just because you want to be free your entire life doesn't mean all of us to do."

"All I'm saying is take your time" Ricky held his hands in the air

Skylar stood up from Tyler's lap and grabbed his hand, pulling him away from the confrontation.

Ricky watched Skylar pulling his angry friend away from the rest of the group. He knew that eventually, the kid would calm down, and he knew he might have gone too far in what he said, but it needed to be said.

"Can you believe he is going to propose to her?" Ricky looked at Lexy

"He loves her, and she loves him. They've been friends for a long time."

"He just doesn't need to tie himself down with a kid right now."

"Why are you so stuck on that?" Lexy questioned, and Ricky shook his head. "Oh my god!" The blonde exclaimed, "You have feelings for Sky!" She stood up

"No, I don't," Ricky grumbled. "I stopped having feelings for her like two months ago."

"Two months ago.." Lexy's face contorted in confusion. "She was going through a breakup two months ago. That's when she and Tyler finally hooked up," she laughed.

It took two seconds for it to register in the backstage journalist's head, and Ricky saw when it did.

"Oh my god!" She yelled, "You," she pointed at him, "You are the ex-boyfriend."

"Will you shut the hell up?" Ricky stood up quickly as he looked around

"Oh my god," Lexy ran her hands over her face. "When they first started talking as friends, Tyler told you all about how he was starting to catch feelings for Sky, and you just let him continue to fall without ever telling him that you'd been having sex with her."

"It wasn't like that" Ricky shook his head.

"Oh, it wasn't?" Lexy folded her arms across her chest

"No!" He seethed as he looked around the room "Skylar and I were dating when Tyler started coming to shows, but because of our positions in the company as a talent and her a makeup artist, we didn't want anybody to know, so we kept it quiet."

"You let that boy fall. You let him fall hard on his face in love with her and didn't say a fucking word."

"If I did, he would have been devastated, and I knew it was starting to go south with her anyway, and I knew we were close to breaking up.. so when we finally did break up, seeing him swoop in and make her happy, and seeing him finally be happy.. that's all that mattered to me."

"Until now," she stated. "Now that she's pregnant.." She shook her head. "Now, what the fuck are you going to do? He thinks she's pregnant with his kid right now.. if he finds out he's not the father, that will crush him."

"That's why he is never going to find out," Ricky stated

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