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I'll fix the grammatical errors later enjoy

Chase was seated behind the counter of the cafe he was working at scrolling through his phone. It was one of those days at the cafe were the customers were not many and service was slow. The bell at the front door chimed and Chase looked up so that the could deliver his fake smile to whomever had entered the cafe. He looked up and down so fast that he didn't see the person's face and continued to scroll through his phone.

"Excuse me?" The man said. Chase looked up and saw the city's most prestigious billionaire looking at him.

"Welcome to Bino's, what's your order?" Chase asked looking down at his phone. It's not that Chase was rude or anything, it was five in the afternoon and he was genuinely tired and just wanted to go home and sleep.

"Some hospitality would be good." The man said.

"I'm tired mister, could you please just tell me your order and we'll both be on our way." Chase retorted.

"Be lively at least when serving customers." The man replied.

"Are you ordering or not, because you're holding up the line." Chase said and the man looked behind him to see that there was literally no one behind him and looked at the teenager in front of him weirdly.

"There's  no line behind me."

"Can you please tell me your order mister."

"I'll have a chocolate muffin and some black coffee." He finally said.

"Thank you. Who should I save it to."

"Andrew Willing." The man said.

"Ok, Mister Willing I'll have your order ready in 5 minutes." Chase said and went to get the order ready. The man just turned around and sat down at one of he tables by the window.

"Mister Willing. Here's your order." Chase said setting the tray in front of the man.

"Thank you.. " the man looked up and tried to say the boy's name and chase caught on.

"Chase." He said pointing towards his name tag.

"Enjoy your muffin and coffee." Chase said moving away from the man.

Chase went back to his station to wait for any other customers until his shift ends.
The cafe had about six booths and five chairs by the window,  a beautiful golden chandelier hanging in the middle that matched with the golden chairs that were at the windows. The booths were waist length and were coated with silver paint and beige leather.

The most prominent colours were the gold and beige leather seats at the booths.
The cafe was opposite an internet cafe that had neon lights hanging on the sign.

Andrew Willing was still seated at his chair sipping his coffee when his phone rung in his pocket, he took it out and answered.

"This is Andrew."  Andrew said through the phone.

"Andrew we have an urgent situation at the company. Can you please come here quickly, it's very urgent." Andrew's assistant said into the phone and hung. Andrew then put his coffee down, took out a 50 BWP note tip included and stood from his chair and walked out of the cafe.

Chase had been looking at him and when he saw the man get up from his chair and left the money there he made his way towards the table and took the money and cleared the table. He went back to his station not forgetting to put the note in the register taking his tip and putting the recipient by the counter next to the other receipts that were left by customers. His shift was particularly boring that and when it ended he made his way towards his home.

He sighed once he entered his house, it was dark and meant that he was all alone in the two storey building. His mother must be working overnight again and his father must be at a bar somewhere drinking. He dragged his body towards his bedroom and open the bathroom opposite his bed and got in to take a shower.

He stripped naked and turn on the shower faucet and waited for the water to be lukewarm before engulfing his body under the warm liquid. It made his tense muscles relax and his shoulders seemed to slump down, it was as if he was carrying the whole world on his shoulders.

He started thinking about his father and sighed. His father wasn't always a drunkard, he did drink but not to the point where he couldn't recognise his own son. Although he drunk to the point where he'd pass out immediately when his head hit the couch he was never violent with either his wife and son. He always drank in silence and  made slight noise when he got home. It was like he always has a part of his sanity with him whenever he drunk and Chase was very thankful for that. He really couldn't deal with an abusive father right now.

He got out of the shower with his towel around his waist, water dripping off of his curly shoulder long hair and walked towards his room. He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't notice his best friend on his bed. He walked towards his closet still oblivious of the dark skin boy who was face deep in his phone on Chase's bed. Both parties were oblivious of each other.

Chase was rummaging through his closet and that caught the attention of the dark skin boy on the bed and when he looked up he was met with a half naked wet Chase standing at his closet, his back facing him. Due to the fact that he didn't hear Chase come in the room made him panic and yelp out.

"What the fuck Chase, why you naked?" Brandon yelled seeing Chase.

"Ahhhhhhh. Man what the hell?" Chase said turning around and seeing his best friend on his bed with wide eyes.

"Why are you naked?" Brandon yelled.

"This is my room, asshole. I can be naked all I want." Chase said with a hand over his heart,trying to calm his beating heart.

"Still, doesn't mean you should walk around naked." Brandon said rolling his eyes.

"Shut the fuck up, it's not like you haven't seen me naked before." Chase said smirking.

"That traumatised me for life bro. I ain't trynna get myself a therapy session again. So please get some clothes on." Brandon said chuckling remembering the time Chase was naked in front of him.

"That's very rude you bitch." Chase sneering.

"The truth hurts my man. The truth hurts." Brandon smirked.

Chase looked at his best friend and started crying and Brandon panicked. He jumped off of Chase's bed and rushed to his best friend and tried to comfort him.

"Man, I'm so sorry man." He said wrapping his arms around Chase's shoulders. Chase smirked and Brandon's eyes widened when he went flying towards the floor with a naked Chase on top of him.

"Man, what the fuck!" Brandon yelled when Chase's naked dick brushed against Brandon's thigh. Chase let out a loud laugh still tackling his best friend who was crying out telling Chase to get off of him.

"Chase are you.. oh" Chase's mother said entering the room. She saw a naked Chase on top of a screaming Brandon.

Chase looked up at his mother who had a blank expression on her face at his bedroom door. He quickly jumped off of Brandon, stood and covered his junk with his hands embarrassed to be caught like that.

"Mom, why didn't you knock?" Chase asked blushing red.

"I didn't think you were busy, that too with your best friend." She said smirking. Brandon gagged and Chase just squirmed in his position.  Remembering quickly that he was still naked he ushered both his mother and best out off his room.

"I already saw you naked before" Brandon and Mrs Bio said in unison and looked at each other.

"GET OUT!" Chase shouted.

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