Chapter Eight: Keeping out of sight

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You led him up the staircase, reminding him now and then to actually keep walking forward. You peered over the railing into the lobby. No one was there. You and Sun ran through the lobby and stopped at the entrance, backs to the wall. You felt like a spy in one of the old cartoons you used to watch as a kid. You peeked your head around the wall and the coast was clear. You walked down the dark hallway and stopped at the doors that would lead you to the main area.

    "Okay, this is where it gets tricky," you whispered. You pushed open one of the doors and peeked outside. There was a photobooth about 50 feet from the door and a few adults downstairs with some kids running around. There was a STAFF bot on the other side of the photo booth, making its way toward you and Sun's side. You realized this was a now-or-never kind of thing and bolted out the door, dragging Sun out with you. He was, fortunately, an extremely quiet runner, and started going ahead of you.

    He had no idea what your plan was so when he ran past the photo booth you yanked on his hand and pulled him inside. "Wait- shh, shh," You whisper, grinning. You were both covering your mouths to stop yourselves from bursting into laughter, and you heard the STAFF bot whirr by. You waited until it was far on the side you just came from, and you opened the curtain of the booth ever so slightly to look outside. The adults and their kids were gone, most likely headed to the show. You looked over to the left and saw the STAFF bot mopping near the Pick-Up doors. It was a carpet floor.

    "Go, go, go!" You shouted, pushing Sun out of the booth. You two sprinted down the stairs and you almost tripped several times. You couldn't stop yourself now, and your stomach hurt from laughing so hard. You and Sun caught yourselves at the bottom of the stairs, trying not to fall face-first from the momentum. You led him into Glamrock Gifts, making sure no one was there before going inside.

    "Y/N, how much time do we have?" Sun whispered.

    "Uh," you checked your phone. "It starts at 5:20 and it's 5:16. We have 4 minutes. Wait." You stopped. "Dude. We have to go through the damn elevator."

    "Well wh- oh. That one? The one upstairs? That we just ran past?"

    "Yeah. That one." You grumbled. The way back up was clear, though you didn't know if Mahira was still at the front desk or not. You and Sun ran up the stairs again. By pure luck, the STAFF bot had already made its way to the other side of the 2nd floor, and you raced toward the elevator. The elevator door opened and you both dashed inside. Sun was giggling, backing away from it.

    You wiped your tears. "See, isn't this," you gasped for air. "fun?"

    Sun leaned against the wall. "Okay, okay! It's SUPER fun. But..." His smile faded. "We're gonna get caught, Y/N. And then what if they get rid of you? Or me? What if-"

    "See, I'm gonna stop you right there. You are a serious overthinker, bro. We're gonna be fine, I promise. Let's just have a kick-ass night before this place closes, k?"

    Sun smiled. "I guess."

    The elevator doors opened, and you immediately checked to make sure no one was within a mile radius of seeing you guys. There were some kids to your left, but they were already headed down the stairs into the dining area. You decided that there would be fewer people upstairs on the balcony, and so you ever so sneakily led what must have been a 5-600 pound robot up a flight of stairs. He was quiet, though.

Whoever designed him, you had to meet them. The way he moved was so lifelike and smooth. Throughout the day you had observed him, and you had noticed he skipped around a lot. But whenever he did it, it looked like he was doing it in low gravity. You never anticipated him to be so...intricate.

You made it to the balcony, and there was no one around except for a few workers at the tech booth. You and Sun leaned over the balcony, just as the first opening number began to play. You looked around, not paying much attention to the band on stage. The same couldn't be said for Sun, though. He was fixated on them, his rays whirling back and forth. There was somehow a sparkle in his eyes while he leaned further over the balcony, mouth agape as he watched. After scanning the whole area with your eyes to make sure no one was walking toward you, you turned your head to watch the band.

Iridescence (Sundrop and Moondrop x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now