Chapter Thirteen: Sun's POV

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I waved goodbye to Y/N one more time and shut the door, sighing happily to myself. I was so lucky to be able to work with someone so...adventurous. I smiled, looking forward to more days with them.

I kept fixating on what they said.

'I think they're neat...'

The way they looked at me when they said that... Their eyes linked directly with mine, and their smile... My rays started spinning again, but this time I didn't reach up to stop them. Thinking about our day made me feel all warm and fuzzy.

You know, you need to find a way to keep your thoughts to yourself.

I yelped. "Jeez! Why do you always need to show up at all the wrong moments?"

I'm touched. You know... the lights turn off at 12 anyways. Why not just let me out now? I've been shut in ALL DAY.

"No way! You and I both know you can't be trusted. Not with how you've been acting lately. Something's wrong with you and I'm not letting you out until it's gone."

Hm. You're such a boreeee. You're welcome, by the way.

"Wha- for what?"

Oh please. You're too much of a coward to have left the Daycare today. How do you think you knew how to navigate backstage in the atrium? Hm? Taking your precious Y/N to a place you've never been?

"Just- be quiet. The Daycare locks at 12 am. When the lights turn off, you can't go anywhere."

You're daft. Don't you know how we blackout when we switch? You just do it for longer because you're NEVER inside. You're not used to it. Now. Let me out.

"I'm sorry, I can't. I don't care if being locked in doesn't stop you. I'm not going to assist you in whatever you do when you're in control, because I get blamed for it. And who knows what you'll do? I wouldn't want you to hurt...anyone."

Sun, Sun. You know I wouldn't dream of it. But maybe stop thinking about 'anyone'. It's fogging our mind up. You know, I wouldn't be talking to you right now if you weren't being so infatuated. I WAS asleep.

"Infatu-? Wait, you hear what I'm thinking? How come I don't know what you're thinking when you're in control?"

Because you're weak. Seriously, it's impressive how many of your thoughts I get. You're very desperate, you know that? Very, VERY-

"Okay, shut up."

Heh. Good night, Sun.

I waited for a while until there was complete silence. I sighed and climbed up to my room above the ball pit. I closed the curtains and sat in the corner. There were a few crayons scattered about on the floor, and I picked them up.

I adorned the blank cement walls in my room with meaningless doodles here and there. My skills were...lacking, to say the least, and I wasn't too proud of the results. I grabbed the charging cable hanging from the ceiling and plugged it into the back of my head, then crept into the corner and curled into a ball. The room was cold, and the concrete floor offered no comfort. Oh well. I closed my eyes and clouded my mind with happy thoughts, eventually drifting off into sleep.

Iridescence (Sundrop and Moondrop x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now