Chapter Eleven: Friendship (yay)

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By the time you reached the Pick-Up area again (after nearly running into who must have been Vanessa and the STAFF bots several times), you had nearly told Sun everything about your friends. He seemed to take interest in Miles. They're actually really similar... You chuckled at the thought. I should check up on Miles. You got to the Daycare before you knew it, and you started regretting saying you had to leave so early.

You checked the time. It was 11:45. The lights in the Daycare stung your eyes. It's weird that they're not at least dimmed after closing, won't they need to save electricity or something? Considering how cheap this company was known to be, it just struck you as odd. "Well," You sighed. "Guess I'm heading out."

Sun looked around at the doors, and then at you. "How is your arm doing?"

"Oh!" You had already forgotten about the bite. "It's fine. Thanks for bandaging me up and all that." You smiled at him and shot him a thumbs up.

"No worries, Y/N! I'm glad you're okay. Some of the parents were fuming when they found out I 'let such a horrid little girl around their precious child'. Their words, not mine! All part of the job."

"Heh, yeah." You breathed a sigh of relief. "Hey Sun?"


"I just wanna was super fun, and uh, thanks for being super welcoming and stuff. You make this place way less scary. If I had to babysit a bunch of bratty kids for 5 hours I wouldn't be able to handle it. I don't know how you do it, honestly." You cleared your throat. "But yeah. Thanks for risking so much to sneak out and watch the show with me." You gave him a smile. He grinned and his rays started spinning wildly.  "So...what's with those?" You shifted your eyes to the rays. "Do they spin when you're happy or something?"

"Oh! They-um... they spin when I feel any emotion, really. They're annoying, though." He reached up to stop them, but you held his hand back.

"I think they're neat," You said softly. He lowered his hand slowly and his rays began spinning again. He seemed taken aback, and a hint of pink crept across his cheeks. How, you had no idea.

"Wh...thanks! Thank you!" He beamed and pulled you into a hug. It startled you for a moment, but you hugged him back. "I think you're neat too, Y/N." He pulled away and swayed on his feet. "Oh, your shirt! Let me grab it for you!" He rushed off over to the closet, and you couldn't help but grin. This place was a lot more fun than you thought it would be.

He returned with your shirt, and you took it from him and gave him one more hug goodbye. He gave you a wave and a smile as you walked out. You shut the doors and started walking up the staircase to the Daycare lobby. You looked around for a packet of sticky notes in Corin's desk and found some. You grabbed a pen and wrote 'Yo Corin, you're cool :) thx for showing me around! Can't wait to work with you and Sun more! -Y/N'. You stuck it on the inside edge of the desk and made your way back out the pickup area.

You arrived to the front area and found Mahira at the front desk packing up the rest of her stuff.

"Hey," she called out. "Still here? Did the daycare have to be deep cleaned or something? I wouldn't be surprised, honestly." She smirked. "So, first day. How'd it go? You gonna quit yet?"

You snorted. "Nah. This place is actually awesome. Also, isn't it technically everyone's first day? The place just opened."

"You bring up a good point, but no. We applied beforehand and helped set the place up. So while technically  you're right, you're wrong."

"Makes sense. You have a ride home?"

"Nah, I don't have my own car. Are you offering?"

"Yeah, if you're cool with it."

"Sure, but if you murder me I'm pressing charges."

"Dude cut me some slack, I can't even afford a lawyer."

She laughed. "Alright, I'm ready. Let's go."

You and Mahira walked out to your car. On the way to her house, you found out she was 19 and currently taking classes in aviation, which you thought was cool. She also said that she originally applied to go into mechanics like you had, but they just made her a front desk worker instead. It struck you both as odd that the mechanical jobs would be the first ones completely filled out, especially considering how high-risk they must have been. You made some small talk about classes and work. Thankfully she only lived a few streets down from your complex, in a little suburban condo with her friends. She thanked you, grabbed her bag and said goodnight. You made sure she was inside before pulling out of the driveway and drove back to your apartment.

Iridescence (Sundrop and Moondrop x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now