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"Where am I? I want to go home! I want to go home!"
The woman's cries echoed around the dark halls, wrapping themselves around the boy like spider webs, encasing him in the desperation and fear. He wrapped his arms around himself and rocked back and forth, wanting nothing more than to make the pain go away.

Stiles Stilinski sat bolt up right, shaking and sweating in his bed. Hell. He raked his fingers through his hair and let out an uneven breath.
"It's over, Stiles," he whispered to himself. "you can go back to sleep."
Instead of going back to sleep he got up and paced the room in a circle, something that he found helped calm him down. He turned to the window and paused. there was a light on in the house across from his. The house had been empty for years but there it was, plain as day.
A girl walked into view, running her fingers through her long hair. Her hair was a beautiful strawberry blond, wavy and thick... Stiles made himself turn his gaze away from her. When he let himself look back again she was gone, making him wonder if he was losing his mind or if she was real.

Please, Stay- A Stydia AUWhere stories live. Discover now