1 - Surviving (Ghostface x Michael Myers)

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The entity wasn't pleased. No no, it wasn't pleased.

Ghostface wasn't killing enough people. He never let's anyone escape. He gets at least 1 Mori. But no, not in the previous rounds.

He has been slacking off. Not getting enough kills. Not hooking enough. And the entity has some things planned.

Ghostface just returned from a previous round, not really interested into anything but cleaning his knife, and stalking a certain killer.

People don't know this, but Ghostface has a huge thing for Michael. The Shape, as most survivors know him.

The silent killer didn't know Ghostface was there, he never did. So, Ghostface always got to stalk him, and knows almost everything about him.

But before he could do anything, he was transported to a different area. Ghostface, in a state of curiosity, decided to run in the direction of the killers camp.

But a barrier blocked his way. He sighed, he knew what was going on. Punishment. He has heard many killers have gone through this their first time being here, but never him.

He was wearing a gray hoodie, with lots of dirt on it, ripped up jeans, and a mask that has a camera on it. He sighed and walked over to the survivors camp.

Once he arrived, many people were asking questions. But one person stuck out to him. Laurie Strode. Michael's presumable sister.

She was covering a Mori wound from a previous round. When she noticed Ghostface, who now goes by his name of Danny as a survivor, she gave a small smile and waved.

Danny gave her a nod, acknowledging her wave. "What's your name?" A person, Jake, asked. Danny shrugs, not wanting to talk at the moment.

"You have to have a name, stranger." A gruff voice said. It was Bill. Danny rolled his eyes.

"Danny." He grumbled. Everyone nods, but Laurie gasps. Danny, as in the one who tries to kill Sydney? She thought.

She shook her head. It's just a coincidence. No connection whatsoever.

Danny walks away from the curious survivors, annoyed by all the questions. He just sat down on a log, when a mist consumes him.

He opens his eyes and he is in a place full of corn. He was in a trial. He was almost excited to get to feel what it's like to be a survivor.

Bill, who was next to him, started to explain the way it works. Danny played along, like he didn't know anything. They walked to the first gen, and started to work.

Bill was having no problem whatsoever, whereas Danny was struggling. It was his first time doing a gen, after all.

He accidently connected the wrong wire, and the thing blew. He cursed, and ran. He was starting to hate being a survivor.

He thought it was kinda fun at first, now he hates it. He slows down as soon as he thinks he's safe. He wasn't. He would soon find out the killer.

After catching his breath, he decides he should sit. He has never been survivor, so he is exhausted. But his rest time was cut short when he heard a scream. Meg's scream.

He immediately bolts up. "Shit.." He curses under his breath. He dashes towards the hook where Meg is. He never thought he would be helping out a survivor.

Thanks to his stalking skills, he was able to be as silent as possible to make sure the unknown killer wasn't there. When he arrives at the hook, no one is there, except Meg, who was just hanging out.

Danny walks up and saves Meg before she could go onto the second phase. He heals her, then makes a run for it. But, he trips on a root when running.

"Motherfucker!" He shouts. He picks himself up, but is immediately slammed into the wall behind him.

"Wha-" He sees the killer, now identified as Michael, holding a knife to his throat. "I know it's you, Ghostface.." Michael says, his voice scratchy and quiet from the years of no use.

Danny gulps, the husky voice making him shiver. "H-hey Mikey!" He says nervously. Under the mask, Michael is smirking from the way Ghostface is around him. All flustered and nervous.

Michael slips his mask up just above his mouth, and pulls Danny's all the way off. He leans closer to Danny's ear. "You know, I love it when you're flustered an nervous. It's adorable.." He whispers. His husky voice making the killer-survivor shiver under him.

"It's not!!" He squeaks. Michael chuckles, a low, deep chuckle. Michael leans closer to Danny's lips, and gives him a soft, gentle, loving kiss.

Danny gives in and kisses back, never expecting a giant like Micheal to be so gentle. When they pulled away, Michael places Ghostface back on the ground. He pulls his mask back down, and picks up the one Ghostface was previously wearing.

He hands Danny the mask. He then leans over Danny again. "I'll see you at the camp. Or another trial. Depends" Michael's husky voice not failing at making Ghostface shiver. Michael proceeds to run to his next victim.

"I need to get in trouble more often..." Danny mumbles, before running off to help with gens.

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