11 - How tf do you keep getting here?! (Michael x Ghostface)

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(Inspired by the picture above)

Michael was in a trial. You know, doing what killers do, trying to kill people. He was currently staring at Laurie, with intense hatred, knife raised. Right before he could jump out and stab her, he hears a click. His jaw clenches. Not this again.

He sees Laurie run, not noticing him. He growls. He turns and reaches into a bush, pulling Ghostface out by the hood. "Um, hey! Nice seeing you here, right?" Ghostface laughs nervously.

"How the fuck do you keep getting into my trials?!" Michael growls. "I, um, followyouinhereandmaybetakepicturesofyouwhileyouarekilling.." Ghostface admits, but a little too fast.

Michael tilts his head. "What?" Ghostface, even though Michael can't see it, is blushing madly. "I follow you, you know, into trial, then, um, take pictures of you, while, um, you are, uhh, killing." Ghostface covers his face, even though he has a mask, with his hands.

"And, why, may I ask?" Michael asks, confusion, and a little bit of annoyance, laced in his voice. "I can't help it! You're just so hot!" Ghostface admits. "I mean, disregard that!"

Michael is dumbfounded. Ghostface saying he's hot. That's not something you hear everyday. Ghostface covers his face, even though he already has a mask on.

"Good to know you think of me like that, but I have people to kill. We'll discuss later, after this trial." Michael says, turning around to leave.

"Okay, sure, yeah, okay." Ghostface sputters. He was so nervous for no reason. Michael runs off, and Ghostface runs out, without no one noticing of course, and waits.

After almost half an hour, Michael comes out, covered in blood. He wipes some off his clothes and looks for Ghostface. He sees a flash of black run away from the fire and rolls his eyes, knowing it's Ghostface.

He walks after Ghostface and he catches up pretty quickly, considering he's a giant compared to others. He grabs Ghostface by the hood, lifting him up off the ground.

"M-Michael." Ghostface stutters. He doesn't struggle much to get out of Michaels grip, excepting that he has been caught.

"Danny." Ghostface squirms at the sound of his own name. That always meant something was serious.

"I-uh-what do you, uh, need, Michael?" Ghostface sputters. "You know, I said we'd discuss something, didn't I?" Michael says, mocking confusion.

"What something?" Ghostface asks, even though he knows what Michael is talking about. "Ghostface, you know exactly what." He says, putting Ghostface down and crossing his arms.

Danny stays silent. He looks at the ground, feeling shame, anxiety, and a little self doubt. Michael sighs, kneeling down to Ghostface's level, and lifting his chin so he can see Danny's mask at least.

"Ghostface, you need to quit coming into my trials. What if someone catches you? What if the entity finds out?" Danny looks down again. "Look at me, Danny. it's considered rude to avoid looking at someone who is talking to you."

Ghostface almost loses it. He normally hates it when someone uses his real name, but loves it when Michael says it. "I, uh, I'm sorry.." Michael shakes his head. "You don't need to apologize. I just don't want you to get into trouble with the entity, you know some punishments can be brutal." Michael says, now sitting on the ground, since kneeling was getting very uncomfortable. 

Ghostface was a little surprised. He thought that Michael was talking to him because he was annoyed that he was always popping up in his trails. Not that he cared. Damnit, hot AND caring! This is why I like him!

"What?" Michael asks. Was he hearing this right? "What?! Did I say that out loud?!" Ghostface panics. Michael looks at him in shock. Stupid! I always do that! WHY ME?!  While Ghostface was having a mental panic, Michael took a chance. He slipped off his mask, turned Ghostface to face him, slipped off his mask, and crashed their lips together.

Ghostface let out a squeak from the sudden action. He must be dreaming. Michael, the HOTTEST KILLER OF THE ENTIRE CAMP (to him) was kissing him. He didn't know what to do. Kiss back? Just stand there like an idiot and do nothing? He was lost in his train of thought, AGAIN, and Michael took that as a hint and started to pull away. 

That made Ghostface conscious for the who-knowth time today. He immediately pulled Michael back in by the collar. Michael smiles slightly, something that he never usually does, and runs one hand through Ghostface's hair. When they pull away, Ghostface smiles.

"You're even hotter without a mask. I never knew you were a blond." Ghostface says, his cheeks a rosy shade of pink. "And you look adorable without yours." Michael replies, smirking at Danny's reaction. "I am not adorable! I'm a scary killer!" He squeaks. Michael chuckles. "Sure you are, Danny, sure you are."

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