Chapter Ten (Truth)

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"Caroline what's wrong?" my mom asks as I play with the food on my plate. I look up at her snapping out of thought "Are you not hungry?" she asks with a worried expression, I frown shaking my head "Actually I kinda don't have an appetite right now." I say putting my fork down and pushing the plate of salad away. "Maybe that fall you had in your room and the injury to your head is messing with your stomach." she says taking a mouthful of her food, I shrug feeling guilty about compelling my mom to forget about the night Kol came over. "Are you sure you don't want to see a doctor because-" I interrupt her picking up my plate and putting it away "Mom I'm fine I'm just not hungry today." I say facing her, she gives me a half smile "Okay fine." I go to my room and pull out my black blazer and put it on "Mom I'm going to go see Elena I'll be back in a while." She nods placing her plate in the sink "Okay be safe." she says as I walk out the house, the thing is being a vampire is never safe I say to myself and hop into my car.

When I pulled up to Elena's house I wondered if Klaus had arrived yet. I felt my stomach begin to flutter, okay sure braking the news to Klaus that his brother was dead was not my choice. Elena and Damon both agreed that if I told him his anger wouldn't be so uncontrollable.I gulped and got out my car walking toward the Gilbert's house as I was about to enter Elena flung the door open and pulled me dragging me inside "Care we have a problem." she says pacing around the room I take a seat on the couch "Is Klaus here?" I ask panicking she shakes her head "No but Rebekah is." my mouth drops open and before I can react I hear someone say "Oh good another guest, why hello Caroline why don't you join us in the kitchen." I turn seeing the blonde Original's head peak out of the kitchen, Elena pulls me toward her. "She compelled us to stay here and we can't leave." she says in an annoyed tone as we enter the kitchen I see Damon, Stefan, and Tyler seated at the table "What the hell." I say as Elena takes a seat next to Damon and Rebekah comes toward me looking me in the eyes "You will stay here and join our little discussion group." she says as I feel her compulsion work on me, crap I should have ran when I had the chance. "Go take a seat next to Tyler." I do as she says even though Tyler's face is full of pain"Great Blondie's here.'' Damon mutters I glare at him and scoot over far from Tyler. Rebekah stands infront of us looking like our teacher "I see there is alot of tension in the room." she says smiling evilly, I look over at Stefan who has a hard expression...gosh I've missed him if it wasn't for this Original bitch I would go running up to him and give him a big hug. "Now let's begin with you three." she says pointing at Elena,Stefan,and Damon who are seated close together "I never thought you would switch Salvatore's" she says smirking at Elena and continuing "From what I understand you and Stefan are over." she says looking at Stefan's hurt face, Elena looks away frowning "Where are you going with this." Damon asks anger rising in his voice, Rebekah snaps at him "Im talking to Elena." she says turning back to her "So good goodie Elena broke Stefan's heart." she say mockingly, Elena stays silent looking down with her face flushed. "How do you feel about Stefan Elena?" she says compelling her to tell her "I love him but I'm not inlove with him anymore, I love Damon." Elena says automatically and snaps out of compulsion realizing what she just revealed she looks at Stefan apologetically and he looks away from her hurt crossing his face. "Good answer."she says smirking. I feel anger rise up "Look Bitch-" I say to Rebekah but she hushes me "Since you have so much to say let's move on to you two." she says looking at me and Tyler, I see Tyler stir in his seat for the first time, since he's been silent the whole time. I feel guilt wash over me again "Tyler how do you feel about dear beautiful Caroline?" Rebekah asks Tyler compelling him too tell the truth "I loved her but she hurt me and I can't forgive her." I herd these words before and they stung more hearing them  the second time, I got up and my automatic reaction was to bitch slap Rebekah but she stopped me holding my wrist "What do you feel about this situation Caroline?" she asked smiling wide,I knew what my answer was "I think I'm inlove with Klaus." I responded hating the fact I was so vulnerable against her. Tyler shook with anger and I felt so bad I never meant to hurt him, the others sat there with shocked expressions "Woah." Rebekah muttered, "I think you've had enough fun for today Bekah." all our heads snapped at the voice with a British accent coming from the doorway of the kitchen. Rebekah laughed "On the contrary brother I'm just getting started." she replied defiantly to her brother,  he stood there a glow glistening in his eyes as he stared at me. Tyler stood up "I want to leave." Klaus nodded "Rebekah let him go." Klaus commanded, she glared at him "Fine." and at those words Tyler was gone. "So who will inform him about the news of Kol." Rebekah hissed and we all looked at eachother nervously. Crap.

a/n:Sorry I took so long you guys. I know this chapter isn't the best but im having trouble with inspiration so message me ANY suggestions. Thanks♥


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