Without Touch

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Chapter Four: Without Touch

Cupping her shoulder "I'll let you two talk okay" Morgan's soft deep voice broke through the ackward silence as he walked up to Chloe kissing her briefly on the cheek as he brushed past her and headed down the steps. Stopping on the step beside Brooklyn Morgan couldn't help but offer him a small smile "good to see ya Bro" he mumbled just loud enough for his brother-in-laws ears patting his shoulder in support before continuing back down the steps to the living room with the rest of the family.

Brooklyn looked up at Chloe taking shuddering breath not really sure what he was doing here. He had this God aweful feeling that this was going to yet another in a long list of instintes when that he was going to put himself out there like an idot for her to trample all over his heart like a giagantic Indian elephant. After all this time amazingly she still made him just as nervous as the first time he'd met her.

As if he was a teenager again his palms turned sweaty, his mouth went dry...God she was beautiful. Her voluptuous five foot three petite frame, long thick straight cold black hair with blue dyed tips that stoped at her waist. There'd been many a night in their youth he'd remember having dreams about Chloe's thick, lusturious locs, loved her hands femine small and dainty as were her feet with the highest instep he'd ever seen. She had an almost angelic face but her large bright cat eyes which took up the majority of her face held within them this wicked glint that was so at odds with her almost childlike, angelic appearance it made a man almost desprete to know her...To know what she was thinking, feeling wanting dreaming. Her wide full lips with the deep cupids bow and her button nose and deep dimple on each cheek, she was the love of his life dispite the years and the changes the of life and themselves as people. He couldn't imagine himself with any other. Slowly he walked the few steps up to her neither of them taking their eyes from the other but still he was at a loss of what to say.

When he walked out the front door of their home with his bags he was truly fed up, there was no other way to discribe it. There'd been a time when he and Chloe had been happy and loving and when that time died he couldn't quite rmember but what he did know was that their the atomphere of happiness and love and understanding they'd worked so hard to establish in their lives died to give way to confusion, and anger, and miscommunication. Chloe had never been an easy woman she had this need to harden herself for the world but she use to let herself relax with him. Be herself, not this hard, cold, bitter, ruthless woman she'd turned into. As he stepped up on the top level and took the three footsteps that left only inches of space between them he looked down into those beautiful eyes wondering What happened to that sweet suger and spice girl that he'd fallen so in love with. That would drop everything just to listen to him blow off steam when he was having a bad day, and laughed at his jokes even though they both knew how bad they were. He missed her, he missed them God he never wanted them to get to this point where one of them was willing to walk away.

Chloe looked up at Brooklyn completely stunned, the last thing she expected was to see him here, it was more than she hoped for. It had been the source of most of her unrest to be exact she thought to herself, she didn't know how much longer she could go without the simple pleasure of having the constant companionship of her husband or being plagued with even more sleepless nights because he wasn't there. Sighing sadly, now that Brooklyn was physically standing in front of her and after her talk with her brother, she was more aware of him in a way she hadn't been for years. She couldn't believe that she'd allowed herself to become so self-absorbed, so selfish. She remembered how she use to describe the thing between her and Brooklyn as beyond her control, beyond her will. It was if her entire being recognized that she belonged to him, he would walk into a room and they would gravitate towards each other without even conscious thought. His touch was addictive, so self-assured, possessive and passionate, it was how he expressed himself. He told her I love you with every caress to the back of her neck, his strong arm wrapping around her waist and squeezing roughly would make her knees go week as his body told hers he couldn't get enough of her.

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