Guilty Confessions

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Chloe followed Morgan upstairs to the bedroom their Mother kept for him when he was in town, stepping to the side he allowed her to walk in first shutting the door behind him. Morgan wasn’t one to mince words nor a man do draw things out the second slam rang through the door he turned around his expression a cross between worried and angry. 

“So are you going to tell me what’s going on or what” walking to the dresser Morgan leaned against it making his posture relaxed. Being a big man at six foot two and three hundred pounds Chloe figured he most likely wanted to appear nonthreatening to her dispite that fact htat he brought her up here for a confrontation. 

Rolling her eyes “Morgan you’re such a worry wart” walking forward with the intention leaving the room “I don’t know what you could possiably be talking about but how many times have you worried like this and there was nothing” chloe automatically went into her actress persona. “now let’s go back down before they miss us”. 

Morgan reached out and grabbed her arm pulling her up short when she tried to rush past him, with a gentle shove he pushed her back a few stepps to where she was before. “Don’t insult my intelligence Clo, everytime there’s been something wrong. You’re not fooling anyone” he gestured with his head toward the door “and I know you’re not going to have a Dr. Phil at the table so spill it before I beat it out of you” he threatened though they both knew he would do no such thing. “What’s going on with you and Brooklyn I want a straight answer once and for all” he spoke plainly to her knowing that if he shocked her with bluntness she would lose the fake façade and talk to him for a bit, he suspected his baby sister despretely needed to talk to someone. 

Chloe hissed and immeaditly turned her back to her brother as they tears she’d been holding in for the past month finally realeased like a damn breaking. She reached up and covered her mouth with her hands and she heaved and chocked on her strangled sobs as if that would hold them in. At the familiar feel of her brother’s arms wrapping around her shoulders she sobbed all the more as her stroked her hair, she was sure he was ruinning her meticulousuly styled pixi cut, but she couldn’t bring herself to care. All the emotion she’d been fighting battling not to feel becauise it was more important to win cam roaring to the surface, she shivered and crossed her arms over  her stomach as if she could hofd herself together as her eyes grew blurry and puffy. She kept opening her mouth to speak, to say what she had no idea but all that came out was more choked sobs making Morgan gather her tigher in his arms in response. 

“Hey hey hey” Morgan spoke to her in low gentle tones, he’d always been a soft spoken man his voice soothing her many times in their youth but for once it didn’t work. “Talk to me Clo, I’m your brother no matter what I care. Let me be there for you” resting his head on her shoulder “you can’t shut everyone out all the time, eventually everyone needs someone” his wise words seemed to strike her across the face even though they were well intended. 

Roughly she pushed away from him shaking her head her thoughts racing the one  in the forefront that she brought this on herself, Brooklyn was gone because of her and she knew it. 

Watching her carefully Morgan stepped forward again “if he hurt you…” he growled but chloe cut him off when she finally turned around the expression on her face stopping him cold. “Chloe?” he finally spoke again “start talking”. 

Shaking her head no she found herself talking anyway “it wasn’t him Morgan, it was me” tiredly she flopped down on the bed feeling like a million years old “it was me” she whispered her voice so quiet he barely heard her. 

“It can’t be so bad as all that sis” the confusion was clear in Morgan’s voice as he came to sit next to her. 

She couldn’t say anything the only thing she could do is think about that afternoon…

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