Chapter Eleven

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Gianna walked inside of her dorm room, soaked. There was an umbrella in her car but her mind was all over the place and she couldn't focus on one thing. Causing her to forget to grab her umbrella before getting out.

Every piece of clothing she wore was drenched and her wet hair cascaded down her back, curling up as the seconds passed. She took off her wet boots so she didn't track up the floor any more than she already did.

"Ray." Gianna walked over to Raven's side of the room where she slept, peacefully. "Raven." She lightly shook her body making Raven jolt up.

"What? What happened?" Raven slightly panicked as she sat up. She was on high alert, ready to run out of the building if she needed to.

"I did something bad." Gianna said dramatically while sitting on the floor beside her bed. "Like I fucked up forreal." She kept going, starting to make Raven nervous.

Raven clicked on the lamp that sat on her nightstand and sat up a bit. "Gigi what happened?"

"I kissed him."

"Kissed who?"


"Miles who?"

"Miles Delgado!" It took a minute for Raven's sleepy mind to register what she said, and when it finally did, the shocked expression made Gianna feel worse than she already did.

"I'm going to hell aren't I?" Gianna covered her face with her hands as her leg shook up and down.

Raven sat in bed, confused as ever. "When did this happen? How did it even happen?"

"I asked him to help me with my story for the contest but since his office hours are too early for me, he agreed to meet me after I got off, and that's what happened. But when I was about to get in my car, we just... I don't know, Ray. All I know is we started kissing and then it started to rain."

"Wait. He kissed you back?!" Raven's eyes widened. She was definitely awake now.

"Yes! Ray, how am I supposed to go to class next week?"

"Either talk to him and tell him it's never going to happen or just act like nothing happened." She knew the second choice wasn't an option for her, but the thought of an aftermath talk had her scared shitless.

Gianna looked up at her with furrowed eyebrows, "Wait what?"

Raven sighed, "Oh my God Gianna don't tell me you actually have a thing for him. We just talked about this!"

She shook her head. "Even if I did, it's not like we would be in a relationship or anything." Gianna looked down ad fiddled with her hands.

"That's good to hear. Especially coming from you. I always knew deep down you had good sense." Raven joked making her smile a little. "I think you should talk to him so you can be on the same page. It's forever gonna be awkward though." She said making Gianna groan. "Goodnight girl." Raven chuckled before turning the lamp off and rolling back on her stomach. Her friend's piss poor taste in men never failed to surprise her.

Gianna stood to her feet and grabbed clothes to change into after her shower. She spent the entire night imagining every scenario possible that could occur when she sees Miles again. Gianna also could stop replaying their kiss in her head. She could even remember the exact feeling she felt at each moment. It was too bad that it was their first and last time.


The next day, Gianna sat down at the kitchen island while she watched her mom cook. Brandy was making a family favorite: gumbo. "You and daddy know y'all are dead wrong for leaving for Christmas. What about tradition? What about me?"

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