Chapter Twenty

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"So what do you think?" She anxiously asked him since she'd revised and changed it after he gave her some notes on the previous draft. The prompt was to personify a random object, and it had her stuck until she calmed her nerves and twisted it to make it her own. She'd to use the human body as her subject and tell the story of falling in love, but from the heart's perspective.

The first draft wasn't bad by any means, but Miles knew she could do better and he wanted to push her to be her very best. Especially if she wanted to win.

"It's perfect Gia. I told you, you didn't really need me." She didn't need him for the words per se, but he'd helped her in ways he didn't know. "Can I ask what was your inspiration?"

"Umm no." Gianna made sure to save her document before closing the top of her MacBook.

"If you wrote it about me, you can tell me. I won't judge." Miles looked over at her with a smirk evident on his face.

"And if I didn't?" She matched his expression and it didn't take long for his cockiness to regress.

"Then we're gonna have a problem." He was now being as serious as ever and Gianna rolled her eyes. She took his laptop off of his lap and replaced it with her body as she wrapped her arms around his neck. His hands naturally caressed her backside as she straddled and pressed her body against his.

"I guess we have the mystery of the century then."

"I told you mine was about you though." He already had an inkling, but he just wanted to hear her say it out loud.

"You didn't, but it was obvious, so I'll give you that." She ran her fingers through his soft and shiny beard before looking into his eyes. "It's good to hear you say it out loud though."

"Must be nice to have that luxury." He said, making her laugh before she snuggled into the crook of his neck.

"Shhh. It's time to go to sleep now."

"I gotta work Gia." Miles started to reach for his computer but she stretched her leg to close it and push it further down the bed.

"Do it later." Gianna inhaled deeply before closing her eyes and letting slumber wash over her.

She was starting to grow accustomed to sleeping in his arms since it was all she'd done for the past week.  It was winter break, yet neither of them was with their families.

Gianna's parents were enjoying Europe and her sisters were off doing their own things. So, when she found out Miles was staying in Seattle over the holidays and offered her to spend it with him, she felt like the universe worked in her favor and produced an opportunity that she couldn't and wouldn't pass up.

Miles also loved having her around. Rather it was her forcing him to watch her favorite movie, holding a deeper conversation over some good food, or having her in a compromising position. It didn't matter to him, just as long as she was there.

He let her have her way, something that became his new usual, and pulled the duvet over the both of them. She clearly wasn't the only one who found peace in the other as Miles closed his eyes, drifting off into sleep right along with her.


The urge to pee woke Gianna from her rest and it took a minute for her to make it to the bathroom since Miles refused to let her out of his grasp.

Once she finally got him to let go, she rushed to relieve herself and wash up once she was finished. She took one of Miles' shirts and used it to cover her half naked body while she went downstairs to see if she could find anything to eat.

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