Chapter Thirty Seven

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As the sun peeked above the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow into the windows, Jason Parker stood alone at center court, his eyes fixed on the hoop. The sound of his sneakers squeaking against the wooden floors echoed through the empty gymnasium, a haunting reminder of the glory days that had long since faded away.

The smell of sweat and leather lingered in the air, wrapping around Jason like a bittersweet embrace. The court, once his kingdom, now stood as a testament to lost dreams and shattered aspirations. The faded championship banners hanging from the rafters seemed to mock him, reminding him of what he once was.

A fallen star in the world of basketball.

His thoughts drifted back to a time when he soared through the air, defying gravity with each thunderous dunk. The crowd's roar filled his ears, and the taste of victory danced on his tongue. But that was a lifetime ago. Now, he was just a washed-up has-been, searching for redemption in the most unlikely of places.

He dribbled the ball twice as he moved his neck from side to side, finding the perfect angle. He aimed the ball at the hoop before closing his eyes as he tossed it in the air. Hearing the swoosh made him shake his head. He still had it, but he barely had anything to show for it.

Jason opened his eyes, brushing off the melancholy feeling as he jogged to grab the ball. He walked to the bleachers, took a seat, and a sip from his water bottle. Placing a towel behind his neck, Jason began to regret revisiting his old routine and putting himself in a depressive mood before he needed to be on his A game.

He heard the familiar and steady sound of leather hitting wood and knew it wasn't from his basketball because it had become idle after he let it roll around the gym's floors. He looked up from his hands, realizing that he was now sharing the court.

Following the sound, Jason spotted a young woman standing at the three-point line. Her ginger curls brushed her shoulders, complimenting the warm undertones of her dark brown skin. He noticed the flashy pieces on her nails, and like any stranger, he didn't think that she had the chops to make it. At least not on the first try.

But his mind was completely altered when she effortlessly tossed the ball into the hoop, making it appear like the ball had turned into butter by the way it swished in the net so smoothly.

He watched her shake her head. She seemed to disapprove of her efforts, which confused Jason who could see her talent so clearly.

She hadn't noticed him there and analyzing her until his bag unexpectedly started to ring and buzz and their eyes met for the first time.

"Ladies, gentlemen, and all those in between, welcome to Miami! Our flight has landed, and you've officially arrived in the land of sunshine, salsa, and scorching temperatures! Watch out for falling coconuts as you exit the aircraft, and please remain seated until the Captain turns off the seatbelt sign. Remember to dress light, stay hydrated, and lather on that sunscreen. Enjoy your stay and thank you for flying with us!"

The flight attendant's announcement and attempted comedy interrupted the voice in her head.

For the duration of the eight hour flight, Gianna had been reading the beginning chapters of Miles' book, which stirred up a few reactions from her.

Since she was one of few who had the privilege of knowing that this story leaned more towards nonfiction rather than fiction, Gianna was surprised to read what was going on in Miles' life just before the two met.

Or Jason which she didn't think was a name that even fit Miles, but she tossed the thought.

Jason was going through a rough divorce, realistically a regular old break up, from his wife who'd cheated on him. Gianna knew all too well that was alluding to his paternity situation.

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