29 : Doctor Stranger

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This chapter is the continuation of the chapter before...


At first, Forth was reluctant to join dinner because he cannot face Phana without feeling utterly guilty after what took place between them earlier that day.

But Beam had managed to persuade Forth otherwise, promising Forth that he will protect him if everyone turned their back on him because none of what had happened was his fault.

He acts accordingly to what he had suffered in the past. So if someone wanted to play the blame game, Forth's parents and grandfather should be held liable.

Walking side by side, linking arms, their steps halted because of someone standing in their way. He is staring sorrowfully at Forth. He also has bandages wrapped on his head from the fight.

They're staring at each other for quite some time until, Beam squeezes Forth's arm, waking him up from his trance. Forth divert his gaze to Beam.

Beam gestures to him to say something to the man standing in front of them. He looks like he wanted to talk too.

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't..." Forth supposes that was something overdue from him. Phana is a victim too. Phana was hurting too. Forth was too emotional to see through his suffering at first but knowing and analyzing the facts made him realize how painful must his brother had been.

Losing his family.

Losing his surgeon skills.

Nearly dead experience from saving Beam and Wayo.

And Forth was extremely sure that Phana was willing to leave Ming so that Ming doesn't have to choose between him and his boss.

"No. I was wrong too. I wish I told you earlier. I'm sorry." Still condemning himself. Forth smiles bitterly then goes to squeeze Phana in a tight hug. This half-brother of his is too good for this world. How can Forth be mad at this selfless Phana?

Phana however was startled by the sudden hug he received from Forth, he doesn't know how to react. He just stood still not comprehending how to reply to them. Unknowingly, someone is scrutinizing the whole scene with an intense stare.

"Okay now. No hugging. Hug your wife over there. This is mine!" Ming seized Phana from Forth's embrace surprising the siblings.

Phana was blinking in disarray while Forth is in disbelief by Ming.

Ming's jealousy can be overbearing for the people around him sometimes, but this is at another level.

"Fun fact you dumbass, he is my brother!" Phana beams at the fact that Forth still acknowledges him as his brother after what he had done to him.

"So? No hugging! Brother or not." Ming cautions Forth seriously. Forth huffs and rolled his eye still not believing Ming's behavior. This guy comes to be fearless when it comes to Phana, it baffled him. Forth for once never gets jealous of Beam and Wayo's closeness and they aren't blood-related.

But Ming...

"Are you sure about him Phi? It's not too late to reject him though. I don't approve of him for you yet. He'll be a nuisance." Forth request Phana to reconsider Ming as his future partner.

Ming was bewildered. His boss is playing dirty.

"Baby, let us go have dinner shall we?" Ming drags the confused Phana out of the scene to avoid Forth from planting bad ideas into Phana's head furthermore.

Forth shakes his head while Beam giggles seeing Ming's funny reaction to Forth's statement but tails both of them to the dinner table.

And like Beam predicted, everyone is there including the stranger Beam didn't have the chance to say hello to earlier.

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