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Detention was supposed to be in the Potions room at 7:00 p.m. the next day. So I had to get through the entire day of classes before I'd have to sit with Draco in detention. Hooray. 

I got out of bed to get ready for the day. I had woken up a little early, so I figured I'd take a bit of a longer shower than normal. I could exfoliate with my favorite honey sugar scrub, shave my legs, and wash my hair with my pumpkin scented shampoo. Maybe Draco wouldn't complain about it later. 

I hop in the shower and scrub my body. I take my razor blade and shave what little hair I had on my legs away. I couldn't stand not being squeaky clean. My appearance was important to me, and it wasn't because I was trying to impress anyone. I think it may stimulate from growing up around Hermione, and always wanting to be as pretty as her. 

Once out of the steaming shower, I was dawdling to get back to my room. First off, I didn't want to wake Iris up AGAIN. I've accidentally woken her up too early before, and let me tell you, she is NOT a morning person. I don't want to feel that wrath again. The second reason I was reluctant to go back is because it was absolutely freezing down the hall back to my room, and with only a towel and wet hair, it was not a fun journey. 

I raked my fingers through my wet wavy hair, wrapped my towel around my soaked body, and made my way back. Until I stop outside of the door.

There was a silhouette staring back at me from the other side of the hall. "Lumos." I light my wand. The silhouette does the same.

"Malfoy?" I stutter as I witness those bright silver eyes staring back at me.

"Mudblood." He acknowledges me, still stopped in his tracks. 

After waiting for him to move, I slowly stride his way. "What are you doing on this side of the Slytherin dorms, Malfoy? Visiting Pansy?" I sure hope not. 

"It's none of your fucking business.." He turns on a swivel to head back down the stairs to his side when he stops and looks back at me to say something else. Of course I know what he's about to add. "Mu-"

"Mudblood. Yeah, I know who I am, thanks." I interrupt. 

The look on his face was priceless when he realized that I had finished his sentence. I mean granted, that was one of his only insults he has ever used on me. It's like he found one and just stuck with it. He's actually pretty predictable in my opinion. 

He did a double take at me, as if he couldn't believe someone had just talked back to him, and then went on his way. I really didn't talk back to him, I'm just not afraid to speak my mind to him anymore. 


"Detention..." Snape drawled. I looked around the room. No other students got detention. Just me and the blondie. Just what I wasn't wanting right now.

"You both are to write a full page on what that sputter was last night at dinner..." 

Draco and I looked at each other and back at Snape. "Yes, Professor." We said in unison.

I didn't understand what good it would do to write down the events of last night, but the quicker it would get me out of detention sitting next to him, the better. I lifted my quill, dipped it in ink and began scribbling down words. I could feel Draco eyeing me. I could see how it would look like I was scrawling something terrible onto this paper, angrily and aggressively writing down last night's events, but I really wasn't. 

Instead, I was basically writing my own autobiography of the past two days:

This boy, Draco Malfoy. His eyes gleamed down at me with anger. His gray eyes and silver hair could not resist me. He was always finding a way to insult me. Somehow, someway. But a part of me liked it. I liked the attention. I liked his attention. 

I stopped and lifted my quill. I had been rambling without even thinking about HOW I was going to write this story down. "Fuck." I huffed, thinking neither of them could hear me. 

"What is it Miss Granger?" Snape began creeping over to me. I couldn't hide my paper. That would just be suspicious. He peered over my desk, saw what he needed to see, and focused his gaze on me. With that, he left the classroom, no words, no gestures. He just left.

"Does that mean we can leave?" I ask aloud, as if Draco were to answer to me. 

"What did you write on this paper, Mudblood!" Draco snatched the paper from my desk. 

"Confringo!" I aimed my wand at the paper and set it ablaze and within seconds the paper was burnt to a crisp. Did I destroy it before he read it?

He fixated on me for a moment. I almost thought I saw him look me up and down, but probably not. He seemed to be thinking more than anything. "Why did you have to destroy that, Granger? What the hell did you write?" His defensive tone was intriguing.

"Did you know that you don't intimidate me, Malfoy?" Sitting sideways in my seat now, I peered into the windows of his face, and they peered back at me. He leaped from his chair, and within no time he was face to face with me - one hand on my desk holding him up, the other hand on the other side of me, on the back of my chair. I didn't budge. "You seem flustered." I added. Hopefully this wasn't the comment that would tip him off.

He didn't budge either. He didn't have a comeback for once. THE Draco Malfoy had nothing sarcastic to say back to me. Ah, there's that scent of minty freshness, seeming to be stimulating from his neck, probably where he put his cologne on today. Only standing inches from my face, he inhaled, too. "Pumpkins? Or honey?" I question him. His eyes widen, but he doesn't move yet. Am I reading his mind or something? It's like I've figured him out. For now at least. 

He leaned back a bit, still standing so close to me that I can't move anywhere else. "I don't want to intimidate you, Granger." He finally chirped up. He glanced around the room, then listened for footsteps outside the door. No sign of Snape coming back. Draco clutched his things off of his desk and turned back to face me. His voice lowered. "I like your attention, too." 

Before I could say or do anything else, he was gone from the room.

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