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It had been another week since I had seen Draco. Truly seen him. The last time I spoke to him was at the top of the Astronomy Tower that night. Since then, I went through the entire next week only seeing him in every other class. In the common room or in the halls, we'd pass each other and he'd give me no more than a glance. No emotion, no humiliating insult. He'd barely speak to his own faction, which I found strange since they seemed to find him the "leader" of their little pack. When he did make it to the occasional class, he'd only half-ass be paying attention. He wasn't all here.

I'd think that he was ashamed of what had happened on that tower since he wasn't speaking to me. But then again, if he were ashamed, he'd be putting on a front and calling me names once again. But he didn't do that this week, which had me worried.

What also had me worried is that Ron had ended up in the hospital wing this week, and is finally getting out today. I hadn't heard the full story, but apparently he was poisoned? But then I also heard something about a love potion. Maybe he had had a bad reaction to the love potion. I'd have to get the rest of that information out of Hermione, since she knows him best and was by his side reasonably the entirety of the week, only taking breaks to go to what she considered her most important classes.

Iris and I met for lunch in the Great Hall and sat facing the other tables. I had brought one of our potions books to study a bit, hoping to find out if it was even possible to have a bad reaction to a love potion.

Over at the Hufflepuff table, Cedric Diggory noticed me and gave me a soft smile. I returned the smile, to be kind of course. I'm not necessarily into him how I believe he's into me, so I don't want to get his hopes up. He had been following me around Hogwarts all week, especially with Draco not tormenting me recently. I wasn't sure if Cedric was just scared of Draco or if he was just seeing his best opportunity to walk with me without getting his head chewed off for conversing with a "mudblood".

Over at the Gryffindor table, Hermione and Ron sat together facing Harry, who'd had his back to me. I could see snow falling from above Ron's head, causing white flakes to scatter themselves onto the group. I laughed as Harry tried his best to clear it all off of him, which wouldn't happen too easily as there were hundreds of small specs dispersed amongst them.

Groups of students were still trickling into the hall. I had my head in the book in front of me, waiting for my plate of sandwiches to pop up in just moments, but I'd still eye every other person to come through the door. I looked up to see Katie Bell walking through the doors with her peers on the way to her table. I think everyone in the hall noticed her. She was also back from the hospital. After that traumatizing incident last week, I'm not sure how she seems so calm today.

As she passed the trio, I saw Harry leap up to follow her, almost stumbling until he was able to catch up. Of course I couldn't make out what they were saying, but knowing Harry, I'm sure he was just concerned about her. I only noticed that she shook her head a few times and then she focused her gaze behind Harry, not willing to break it. Harry spun around.

Their gazes had me curious, so I look left only to see him, Draco Malfoy, at a halt in the Great Hall. His black vest covered his white button down and green tie and his white hair was combed down over his forehead. His eyes lit up from across the room, making eye contact with the two ahead of him. Terror was plastered on his face. After a few moments, he slowly looked around him and simultaneously backed away to leave, though he had only just walked through the doors a moment ago.

Harry was quick to follow him. Yes, something had to be going on. Something that I clearly knew nothing about. Harry and Draco had always had their differences, but this was not an ordinary circumstance with them. I usually found them bickering, but with Draco doing the antagonizing. Draco was always the one seeking Harry out. This time, Harry was on a mission to follow Draco. But why?

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