Preferences: Dating someone shorter than them

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This is aimed at female readers and non-gender confirming readers, if a male version is requested I shall make one :)

He doesn't mind it. He'll joke about it occasionally, saying "I feel like a ladder, I always lift you up or grab things, that must be my destiny, being a ladder for you." Of course he feels bad if the jokes hurt your feelings and will apologize with gifts and a lots of affection. He also comforts you about any insecurities that arise from being short, Marc would reassure you each time you ask that for a fact he simply doesn't mind it, if anything he loves it.

If anyone dares to make fun of your height he'd glare at them and respond with a defensive comment. Later on the news you'll see a missing report of the person or see a report of an assault on the person.

Usually you would look at Marc after the report came on screen, he'd act innocent and recommend you two watch a show a show instead of the news, saying "They're always having some bad news on there, barely anything good."

Sighing, you go along with it. It's not the worst Marc has done, besides you could say it was the anti-hero Moon Knight serving justice during the day.

Our British sweetheart who points out goats. He doesn't mind it, he'll chuckle sometimes when you ask from something higher on the shelf.

He rarely jokes about it, more or less he comforts you about it when it bothers you more than once in a day. Steven's jokes are a bit lighter than Marc's, like "I've got to appreciate the little things in life. So Love, I appreciate you." He'd chuckle afterwards with a goofy grin on his face.

The more confident Steven became the more he stood up for you. He'd argue and call the person a bloke, if he was especially mad he'd call them a cunt. But it never broke into fistfights. He's more concerned about you than his pridefulness to fight a person, so when you just ask to leave he'll follow and be a bit more protective afterwards.


Let's be honest. This man would murder anyone for you, even if he doesn't have cover or a getaway he'd kill them if they hurt you. So when someone comments you have to remind him that murder is okay only sometimes and that you took no offence to the comment the person made.

Jake would compliment you whenever you felt insecure, "amor, you're beautiful either way. Height does not matter to me, I think you're gorgeous either way."

Whenever you would ask for him to grab something from the shelf he would just lift you to grab it. He sees it as you still grabbing what you need while he helps.

He's like 7-8ft tall. Everyone is short to him in his usual form. So he saw it as normal, but seeing how much it bothered you sometimes he'd comfort you about it.

He'd threaten others if they commented or even looked at you wrong. If it was brought to a fight he'd hide you first, or protect you from them as he knows they'll go for you first.

Like Jake he'll lift you up to grab what you need, or just grab it if you're too far away. He doesn't joke as much about you, but he makes fun of other's heights when you two pass them.

Requests are still open for One-shots, preferences and imagines.


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