Chpt. 2

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You were in your room, doing your homework in your room. You were currently during geometry as a freshman since you had algebra in the grade before. You were happy you got the role of Marina in a film starring with Jennifer Lawrence. But sadly you had to leave in the middle of the school year, so you still had homework. But, rehearsal has finished, so you and the cast have gotten along very well. You are finally comfortable with the actor of you love interest, a guy name Leo.

(I named him after Leo from HoO 💀💀) don't make fun of me pls. I don't know what to name him.

It was very awkward when you two met. The director, Adam McKay, told you guys to go on a 'date'. He said it was for the sake of the movie, since your characters are love interests.

(If you do not know who he is, he's the director for Fresh and Don't Look Up)

This resulted into both of you going to a local coffee shop and Leo somehow spilled coffee on the both of you. You were wearing a white shirt, so your chest area was shown more than it would have when it was dry. Leo kept muttering 'sorry,' as he tried to wipe the coffee away from your shirt. This made you very uncomfortable, so he gave you his jacket. This ended that date, even though it only last 10 minutes.

You guys had many more of these dates and they weren't as bad as the first one. You two now laugh at this memory but he still feels sorry for it.

Filming will start in exactly two weeks after today, because they need to get a little more stuff for the set. Jennifer has been very sweet, like a nice volunteer that you would meet at a field trip. You guys got along very well, which is good since you would have to play her mom.

(This sound weird but it's going to make more sense in the next couple chapters)

Your older sister came along the trip to Vancouver, since no one could come except for her. She has helped you settle in the suite you were planning to stay for the next couple of months, because you would be busy juggling school and rehearsal. Now that you don't have rehearsal, you get to spend time with her.

You finally finished you homework and right when you closed your laptop, you heard a buzz from your phone. It was Leo.

(bad boy supreme👹)
Hai do u want to get café??
I am bored.
also skool is absolute ass

im going to take a shit if i have coffee
but sure i need energy
i can help u w/ ur hwk ig

(bad boy supreme 👹)
ok ill bring my hwk w/ me
i also wont spill coffee on u
if u promise not to shart after u take a sip of ur coffee

istg if u make fun of me for being lactose intolerant im not going to help u with ur hwk

(bad boy supreme 👹)
its not my fault ur lacking toast 💀💀

You left him on read and rolled your eyes. You get your bag, jacket, and wallet as well as your pencil pouch with a small notebook. You told your sister that you were going to hang out with Leo and she nodded and went back to her show.

You open the door of the suite and toward the elevator. As you pressed the button, the elevator door opened and you were greeted by a cheeky Leo. He waved as you walked into it. He pressed the elevators button to go to the first floor. You both live at same suite place. "Geometry is so hard. How the hell do you handle it?" Leo started complaining.

"I don't know, I guess I'm just caught up." You shrugged.

The elevator dings and you both walked out of the elevator and toward the exit. "Thanks for helping me, n/n. I have an exam on Friday and I don't know shit."

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