Future Death/How death happened

266 3 18

~' Pick a number 1 to 20 '~

1- Other animal

2- Poison

3- Killed

4- Old

5- Heart attack

6- Wounds

7- A fire/natural disaster

8- Unknown causes

9- Twoleg murder/poison

10- Drowning [not by self, rarely in swimming training]

11- Blood loss

12- Accident by others [Drowned by [other cat/animal/thing], hit by monster, etc.]

13- Hunger

14- Suffocation

15- Greencough, Whitecough, Deadly blackcough, Redcough

16- Illness

17- Killed by self [Example: Drowned by self]

18- Attack

19- Heat stroke

20- Other

Honeyheart is a Queen of WindClan


cream with rosettes and half blind

green eyes

Too lazy to write kin and relationships

Once apprentice Owlpaw

Once mentor Seertail

caring and energetic

soft and clumsy

cold and moody

Hunting - good - 14

Patrolling - excellent - 18

Fighting - excellent - 20

Defense - excellent - 20

Swimming - good - 13

Fishing - terrible - 1

Remembering herbs - good - 13

Climbing - excellent - 17

Med skills - average - 7

Being a natural leader - terrible - 3

future death: poison [deathberries with seeds]

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