Chapter 1

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Natsu's POV

Doctor: sorry Mr. and Mrs. Dragneel but I'm afraid that Mrs. Dragneel your uh infertile, meaning you can't have kids

Lucy: what it can't be (started crying)

Natsu ARE YOU SURE (shouted angrily) is there anything we can do

Doctor: I'm sorry there is no other way (sad expression) but there is a nearby adoption center called caitshelter here is the address

Lucy; I don't want to adopt I want my kid from my own womb (still crying)

Natsu: don't worry honey maybe we can't have our own kids but those kids in that center need parents we can give that to them

Lucy: your right (stops crying) thank you, doctor

Natsu; yeah, thanks doc we appreciate the help

Doctor: anytime I wish I could have given more help

Natsu: don't sweat it doc (he took the calling card) thanks again

Natsu and Lucy shook the doctor's hand then they left

Outside the hospital

Natsu: ok let's head to the center so can pick a kid to race as our own

Lucy: come on then get inside the car

Natsu: no, I'll walk

Lucy: get in (stern voice)

Natsu: fine (then he entered their car) ugh (throw up)

A few minutes of driving later

Lucy: here we are honey (stops the car)

Natsu: finally (he runs out of the car and entered the center)

Attendant: welcome to caitshelter can I help you

Natsu: we are here to adopt a kid

Attendant: follow me (leads them to an animal decorated room) come this way fortunate we only have one kid

Lucy: that's fine we were just looking for one first time and all

Attendant: all right I'll live you here and I'll go get her right now

Natsu: oh, it's a girl

The attendant left the room

A few minutes later

The attendant entered the room

Attendant: here she is (holds a cute baby who has a blue hair and brown eyes)

Lucy: Can I hold her

Then Wendy started crying then Lucy looked down and sad

Attendant: don't worry Mrs. she always cries when people try to hold her

Natsu; let me try (grabs Wendy but Wendy didn't cry) hey kiddo do you want to come with us

Wendy smiled then laughed then pulled Natsu's left ear

Attendant: wow she didn't cry or whine

Lucy: aww she's so cute

Natsu: she is, (he cuddles Wendy) let's take the paperwork so we can go home

Lucy: I'll take care of the paperwork you go wait in the car

Natsu: alright we'll wait for you there (kisses Lucy)

Then Wendy cried

Natsu: aww someone's jealous (kisses Wendy on the forehead)

Then Wendy laughed

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